Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Most Clever Part Of This Entry

DUDE! have I shared this link with you yet? It's Horror Radio K.D.O.A. and it RULZ!!! It's a live stream broadcats of horror movie themes!!!

Believe it or not, it's VERY relaxing to fall asleep to! As counter-intuitive as that sounds, I find it to be true!

Yesterday at work was the day that I earn my pay, so I was kinda busy all day, then just CRASHED when I got home. Nothing to tell, really.

OMG! This morning, playing Minesweeper with Wendy... This woman ROCKS! (I won't say why, specifically... Just believe me, hee-hee.) AND, for I while I actually gave her a run for her money! I even won a game or 2 today! So YAY!

Oh! And Brian bought the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST soundtrack, and I can't get past Track 2!!! IT SO COOL!!! It's the Kraken theme, and it RULES!!! I fully intend to explore the rest of the cd at some point, but for now I'm happy with Track 2, heheh. I must have listened to it 5 times on the way to work today!

I remember leaving the theater and feeling like the music wasn't as just FLAT-OUT PERFECT as the music for the first movie was, but if Tracks 1 and 2 are any indication, this soundtrack should be as good as the first.

So far I like the way my horror script is shaping up, but I wish I had, like, 48 hours that I could just devote to shaping the story up! I've been discovering these little areas that would be cool to explore (it's just a Slasher Flick -- done Ray Jay Style -- so every interesting angle makes it, like, a thousand times better), but I just feel like I don't have any time.

The actuality is that these new angles have been popping into my head sporadically over the last week, so if I had 48 hours to just sit down with the story and play and shape until it's brilliant, I probably wouldn't get anything new. The Muse can be a cock tease...

Still, I guess it makes me feel slightly more industrius to report some small progress and then bitch about the circumstances I wish I had. Fact is that I'm just killing time until I need to load my next couple of programs, and wasting time talking about writing makes me feel like I'm ALMOST writing... It's a nonproductive means of false creative validation.

I should probably get out of that habbit, huh?

Okay, work calls. (The pay-the-bills job, not the fun one.)


Oh, P.S. Imagine you're telling someone the title of this entry a few different ways and you'll get the (lame) joke eventually. Like, imagine someone asked you "What's the title?"

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