Sunday, September 03, 2006

Card Count

For all of you who are hunched over your computer screen, RIVETED, anxiously waiting for me to update you on how my progress is coming on the screenplay...

(And I know there are A LOT of you! I've seen the fansites and read the blogs. I find some of the fan fiction very arrousing, but some if it just plain DISTURBS me.)

...I currently have 32 of my needed 40 3x5 cards.

But WAIT! We're not out of the woods yet. I know, you're thinking "8 cards to go, we're golden!" but it's not that simple. MANY of the cards I have are schiza, not really movie moments but just hints at the moments that will eventually be. So many of these cards will be replaced -- more than once.

In fact, the ending I originally intended has changed completely. ALREADY. I don't ever know what happens 45 minutes into the movie, but I know that I'm going with a different ending (well, as of right now, anyway) that I thought I was.

So EVERYTHING is still up for grabs here.

Still... 32 cards is SOMETHING. Well, it represents roughly 96 pages of script. So yeah, that's SOMETHING, heheh.

But at this point I'd prefer 20 cards that I REALLY LIKE, you know?

3 days off coming up, so we'll see...

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