Friday, September 15, 2006

Back From My Travels

Yeah, I only went up-state for a week, but "back from my travels" just sounds cooler, doesn't it?

I fully intent to fill you in on the details and share pics, but not tonight. I'm trying to keep myself occupied until I can allow myself to go to sleep -- gotta get back into my "normal" sleeping patterns -- and I just finished a divine meal of Italian sausage smothered in tomato sauce and accompanied by 3 pieced of garlic toast, so I'm feeling a little contented and drowsy, hehehe.

But I did take extensive notes during my trip, so I'll be blogging about it soon.

My daughter RULES! :D

Also, my dear Wendy is babysitting tonight, so I haven't gotten to see her, but we got lots of time yesterday after I got home... So YAY!!!

I am ADDICTED to that woman! I'm serious, I ACHED to see her and hear her voice this past week! And when I finally saw her, it was like I had been holding my breath for 6 days and was finally able to BREATHE! I have been in love before, but what I feel for her is INTENSE. I don't know how I'm gonna keep from fainting when we finally see each other face-to-face for the first time... I've never fainted before, but I suspect my brain and body may well shut down on that first, much-anticipated, most-achingly-desired encounter!

But the positive -- there's always a silver lining, and if not you're just lazy ;P -- aspect of my Gnomey being busy today was that I got to spend the day shooting zombies. I did no zombie-hunting or slaying while in Levelland, so it was nice to be able to spend all day with the PS2.

After Brian got home from work I switched to raiding and pillaging with PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE LEGENDS OF JACK SPARROW. Brian doesn't usually like to play videogames, but he enjoys watching them. He'll watch me clean up Springfield or some obscure European coutry infested with living zombies, or watch me bomb around Springfield like some maniac. But there are a few games he particularly likes watching me play, and one of them is PIRATES.

I started from the beginning and worked my way up to the level that has been stumping us since we got the game: It's aboard this ship, fighting this fat Spaniard captain with this "thousand strile" sword attack. He watched me bang my head against this particular wall repeately and then finally wondered allowed how much a second controler would cost, and what are the odds we could defeat this guy playing 2-player.

I suggested that a controler mush surely be less than $20, and he got paid today! So we bolted to Walmart!

The controler was actually $25... But he bought it anyway!

And then we got it home, and discovered that a second player can't simply plug into a saved game. So we started from scratch.

But we progressed quickly, and finally BEAT THE SPANISH CAPTAIN!!! He stayed up an hour past his self-induced curfew, and we got well into the next level before deciding to be wise and end the game for now.

We also discovered that 2 of his newer Star Wars games are 2-player, so we should have hours of adventures head of us!

So I didn't get to enjoy the companionship of my girlfriend, but I did get to enjoy the much-missed companionship of my brother/roommate/best friend! Since he got his new job, our schedules haven't been syncing up nearly as well as they used to. So today was a nice break from the norm. Almost a seperate vacation for me! :D

Oh, also, I went back into SecondLife for the first time in a while. While on my way home from Levelland I stopped at a roadside rest stop I'm familiar with to stretch my legs, and got some cool pics of it. It occured to me this would be fun to recreate in SL, so I went back in tonight to get started on that. Since Wendy and I got together, SL hasn't held much appeal for me. It's nice to have a reason to return to this world that was SO important to me for SO MUCH of this year. I doubt I'll ever be as fanatical about it as I was, but I hope I never lose ALL interest in it; it's kind of a convenient vacation spot. Ya know?

Okay, so I need to get lost in a project so the hours before bedtime fly by for me. (Otherwise I'll find myself simply fighting sleep, and that's no fun.)


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