Thursday, August 31, 2006

Progress... Yay!

For my screenplay I need to know either the layout of a ranch or a ranch house -- don't know which just yet -- so tonight I tracked down a floor plan for a ranch house, and created a ranch layout!


I just feel like such a good li'l writer, hehehe.

This info brings me quite a bit closer to being able to precisely map out the action of the flick, so even those it's not words on a notecard, it's a good amount of work.

Also, I slept really, really well this morning/afternoon AFTER I did my structural research... Which has lead me to wonder if maybe my slacking-off on my writing might be the reason I wasn't sleeping well. Wierd as that seems (even to me) I was surprised just how well I slept.

Is it possible my subconscious is trying to be my mom? lol

It's kind of poetic, tho', if that happens to be the case... In the past I have had the tendency to sort of neglect my writing when I have a girlfriend... And on my days off I had one interest and one interest only: GNOMEY MUNTS MUNTS!!! But when I wasn't able to talk to her, I didn't bother with my screenplay.

But then the day I enjoy BOTH my passions (my Wendy-Lady comes FIRST, mind you) I get a great night's sleep... AND I haven't felt all tired and needing a nap tonight!!!

I mean, this is one night here, so we'll see...

OH! My baby has been sending me the most amazing texts today! hehehehe On my way to work I get this one... This woman knows how to CURL MY TOES!!!

Okay, I should probably get back writing.

1 comment:

RayJay said...

Um... Honey... I don't know if spakies are really an effective DETERENT, hee-hee ;P

Love you!!!