Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pluggin' Away at the Script

I was hoping that tonight I could get all the story beats I came up with in my breakdown onto notecards so I could put them in this binder I have for the purpose of making a stack of 3x5 cards portable and easier to thumb through.

I got the first act done and looked up at the clock, and was terribly disappointed to discover that I need to focus completely on work now.

But then I counted the cards I had done... 10. Thet's twice the obligation I created for myself... So ACTUALLY... I did a good job tonight!

So that's cool.

In addition to the cards, I created 3 characters I needed to create, and their relation to the story, so I've actually had quite a productive night!!!

Yay me! :D

Still, I don't think I can be done soon enough, lol. I asked Tommy (who will be directing this if it turns out to be a movie he wants to direct) to reserve judgement until I get a finished script to him. So I wanna hurry up and get to the pages! But experience has proven to me that it would be just WAY foolish to start writing pages until I'm 100% secure with EVERYTHING that happens in the movie first. Things will change when I go from cards to pages, but if the cards don't tell a great story, the pages have less of a chance of really shining.

Anyone wanna donate $25,000 so I can go ahead and quit my job and write full-time?


You SURE...?

Okay... :(

It's 10:00 am in England right now... I wonder if my lovely Wendy-Lady has woken up yet.

I KNOW that whether she's asleep or just waking up, she looks AMAZING. hee-hee She's one of those amazing women who simply NEVER looks bad!

I've seen her just before she goes to sleep (I actually got to watch her sleep for a few minutes once when she crashed while I was reading to her and her webcam ws still on!) and I've seen her when she's just woken up, and getting ready for work and getting ready to go out with her friends, and after she's gotten back from a night out... And she's just ALWAYS gorgeous!

I miss her. :(

All night long I air these commercials for different local dating scams -- hook-up-by-phone numbers -- and I'm currently airing one of those lame-ass dating "reality" shows, and they all make me so glad that I happened to meet this woman who is SMART and funny and FUN and kind!!! (The hot-ness doesn't hurt, either, lol.)

These dating shows always have the most catty, vacuous bitches all trying to sound smart but only proving with every word and action just how monumentally stupid they really are! And the GUYS... Omg! I SO don't blame women for thinking that all men are morons! MOST OF US ARE, apparently!

And all the Phone Connection commercials have these cute women trying to pose and talk all sexy, and they make me appreciate my Gnomey SO MUCH!!! Because her sex appeal and her attractiveness in general comes from HOW REAL she is! She likes being who she is and doesn't try to be anything or anyone else. She just IS WHO SHE IS! Which is SO HOT!!!

Okay, I just looked at the clock again and realized that I really do need to go, lol.

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