Monday, September 18, 2006

My Gnomey...

My baby has such a QUICK wit!

She had just gotten out of the bath (or was getting ready for one... I don't recall which) and we we IMing, but not with webcams. So I said "Whatcha doin'? You naked at wet? Lemme see" or something like that, and she said "no" and I'm like "YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES, PLEASE" and she didn't respond. So I'm like "Lemme see and I'll be your boyfriend for life!"

Then I'm like, "Oh, wait, I already am. Um... I'll..." I waited a second. "I'll... Uh... Do something nive for you!"

Then she says "Wot."



"paint...your... SHOES!"

Then she says:

"Is that slang for something?"

I died!!!

My mind was immediately flooded with a number of aweful possibilities of what that might be slang for! lol

I love her so much!

As I type this I'm watching her fight sleep on the webcam. She's exhausted, poor thing, but she just won't go to sleep as long as I'm here. Bless her!!! She is SO GORGEOUS!!!

I swear, if I saw an angel face-to-face, the angel's face would HAVE TO BE hers! There is just NOT a more beautiful face in all of Physical or Spiritual Reality!!! Looking at her soft, closed eyelids and her cheeks and her relaxed smile, I see manifest in physical form all the emotions of joy and caring and peace and ecstacy that she makes me FEEL! She LOOKS like every positive emotion you have ever experienced! And thus allows you to re-experience all those emotions!

Dude! I'm getting jealous of Ray Jay the Pillow! That bastard is SO LUCKY!!!

Well, actually, I'm the luckiEST bastard... on the planet! But still... *pouts* I still wish it was me she was squeezing when she falls asleep.

And when she wakes up.

Her bath towel's damn lucky TOO!


Earlier this evening she was reading me this book of "dumb questions". Some of them were cute, some punny, and some were hysterical!

"If olive oil is made by squeezing olives, how is baby oil made?"

My response...

"Very carefully."

She had a couple of good ones herself:

"If we're meant to live in a land of Free Speech, why do we have phone bills?"

"If love is blind, why is lengerie so popular?"

(That one's my FAVORITE!!!)

After she read the "dumb questions" I read her some of Conan O'Brien's "In the Year 2000..." predictions. One of my all-time faves...

"In the year 2000, packaged Toll House cookies will become so moist and chewy that people will no longer fear death."

"In the year 2000 people all over the world are shocked and angry to learn that the billions of dollars they have donated have gone to fighting the astrological sign Cancer."

"...jails will become so overcrowded that prisoners will be forced to sodomize one another, as a space saving measure."

Every moment with Wendy is fun and joyful and just flat-out WONDERFUL!!! If the concept of Joy were personified and made flesh, it would be Gnomey Munts Munts!!!

I think she's asleep now, hee-hee. OMG she is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I should use this time to blog about Tish's 16th, but I am SO tempted to just sit here and watch her!!!

Okay, I'm gonna try to do the Tisha blog.

Nobody wake Wendy.

Everybody, ssssshhhhhhh...

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