Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My Tuesday

Just watched THE AVIATOR with Brian!!! Cool movie! I can add it to my list of Scorsese Movie I Don't Hate. That's always good!

Actually, you know what? The title of that list is ridiculously unfair!

I have only seen 5 Martin Scorsese movies, and I've liked 4 of them!!!

I really dug THE AVIATOR, thoroughly enjoyed GANGS OF NEW YORK, kind of dug on THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST -- although I seriously have a problem with his "artistic interpretation" of the temptation of Jesus: Seriously, a hamaphroditic panther and a shower of sparks?!! Though I think he got the point about Jesus' followers wanting a physical ruler rather than as spiritual leader across nicely!!!-- and I remember enjoying THE COLOR OF MONEY.

The only movie of his which I saw and deeply loathed was the God-forsaken GOODFELLAS.

Now, I'm certain that I wouldn't like CASINO and MEAN STREETS, but I might enjoy CAPE FEAR (being a horror fan). And tomorrow I should receive KUNDUN from Netflix, and I'll be surprised if I don't like that.

PLUS, whenever I've seen Scorsese interviewed, or seen him act (like in QUIZ SHOW) I can't help but like him!!! He's a cat that knows and loves movies, plus he calls Roger Corman (a cat that REALLY LOVES making movies) one of his mentors!

So I suppose that the title of my silly little list is just a product of some film junkies (NOT film flunkies) who decided to pit Scorsese against Spielberg as an example of Guerilla Filmmaking versus Hollywood Filmmaking.

And that just isn't fair!

I mean, I like so-called "Hollywood" movies because I like to escape and I like to have fun. And Spielberg, I truly believe, only makes movies that move HIM -- not the box-office grubbing corporations that move Hollywood -- which just happen to move me, too.

But does Scorsese do any different? Does he tell stories to shock us and repulse us? NO!!! I suspect he makes movies that move him, and he shares these stories with us because he feels they might stir something in us, as well.

Plus, if there is some sort of legitimate rivalry between Scorsese and Spielberg, I would bet money that neither of THEM know about it!!!

So what I SHOULD... and WILL do is add THE AVIATOR to my List Of Badass Scorsese Films! This list includes the following movies:


There we go. My soul feels cleaner and lighter now.


TRACI STOPPED BY TONIGHT!!! Brian and I got to watch a dvd of her jumping out of an airplane this past Saturday!!! (She looked like a movie star and was wearing one of thos pink skydiver suits!!! On the dvd. She was wearing shorts and a tight T-shirt in our appartment!!!) She hung out with Brian and me for a few hours and ate a bite of lasagna with us. WHAT A GREAT DAY OFF!!!

PLUS... Mom took Brian and me grocery shopping at CostCo, and we had fun! Mom was in a playful mood, and I think a good time was had by all!

So COOL! This day owes me nothing!

Hope yours went as well!!!


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