Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lake Placid

Just finished watching LAKE PLACID again, and I still dig this movie!!! I honestly think it's a shame it isn't better remembered!

I mean, I can see how horror fans were probably disappointed by it's lack of carnage.

But the characters are extremely well-written, the structure is solid, and if the movie had been marketed as a dramedy kind of thing, or an action comedy or something, I think people would have loved it! But it came out in '99, summer if I'm not mistaken, and whichever studio released it was trying to compete for, like, MATRIX box office. And granted, that wasn't going to happen!

Still, really good flick! I mean, for movie fans -- as opposed to "cinema enthusiasts". It's about fun, not deep inner meaning. Basic human truth, rather than the most profoundly disturbing aspects of the human condition.

The movie still makes me laugh out loud. I think there's a great deal to be said for that!


Okay, I should go to bed now.

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