Sunday, July 03, 2005


My friend Tommy's out of town, and Brian and I have a key...!!!

But Tommy and his lady are trying to sell the property, so what ever damage Brian and I do tonight, we'll need to clean MOST of it up by 8:00 or 9:00 am.

AAARRRGGHH!!! Tommy's computer is attacking me!!! I'm being assaulted with loud, wierd sounds and offers to upgrade Tommy's anti-spyware! And when I try to click one offer away, another one just pops up in its place!

Then I FINALLY get the first 5 boxes to go away, AND ANOTHER ONE POPS UP IN IT'S PLACE!!! I think the Windows toolbar just wants some attention, and it simply WILL NOT go away until it gets exactly the amount of attention it desires.

It's like a friggin' gigapet!!!

So anyway...

Oh, yeah! Traci's birthday today!!! YAY!!! It's wierd, because Traci's birth is actually, like, a present to the rest of us!!! (Well, all of us who know her, anayway!) So we all get presents because of her first birthday!

Okay, I didn't articulate that well, but it makes a kind of sense. Really.

Um, not done much writing since I last reported. It's been a busy-ass week! And I've been filling in at work these last 2 Saturdays, so Sunday I'm just not really in a creative space. It's more like just cath my breath a recouperate... a little.

Still, not disheartened by this apparent lack of progress. Because I have had some cool ideas that will be implimented the next time I write some pages, and I sort of trust this current process. In the past I've been all uptight about how fast or slow the words hit the page, but experience has shown me that -- for me, at least -- the words come out when they come out. What's more important is for me to make sure that when I do write, the words are good ones, and they're placed in more or less the right order.

'Cause writing is like channeling anyway. Seriously, I'm not creating the story. I come up with some parameters into which I'd like the story to fit, but there's Someone Else doing the actual creation. I'm just taking dictation.

I think that's why authors get so excited when they write good pages; we're reading those pages for the first time ourselves, as though we picked up someone else's book. We're not excited that WE'RE so amazingly talented, we're just excited that we're reading a good story. Plus, we're happy that we get to put our name on it! (Imagine picking up the screenplay for STAR WARS and seeing your name on it!)

I think that fighting that particular reality might be my major blockage all these years: I wanted to BE THE GUY CREATING THE STORY. But apparently writing doesn't happen that way. We get to edit, but the story gets told to us by our Muse, in our Muse's own time. And like Douglas Adams's editors, the sooner we can accept that reality, the less tense and more productive we can be. (Douglas Adam's had said a few times that he loved deadlines: he loved the whooshing sound they made as they flew past.)


Not really posting for any reason other than keeping up the habbit right at the moment. Nothing pressing that I want to share. No big breakthroughs of any kind. Just pretty much happy to have the day off.

OH! Last night Traci visited me at work! She brought over a HUGE piece (perhaps "section" is a more acurately descriptive word) the most sinfully chocolate cake I can remember tasting!!! Her mom made it for her birthday, and Traci -- sweet, sweet woman that she is -- shared it with me!!! I COULD KISS HER!!! (You know, if she'd let me...) THIS is the generous and loving spirit that is Traci!!!

Okay, I need to give Tommy's animals some more love. (It's been half and hour now, I think they're running a little low.) Plus, Brian's been awfully quiet for a while... Wonder what that's about...


TGW said...

Glad that you all had such a good time the way where are all of my underware?

RayJay said...

In a VERY special place...