Saturday, June 04, 2005

How Smart Am I?!!

Okay, so yesterday I start my day off with a little Scrubs action -- the pilot -- and it gets my day off to great start!!! I love that show! I've seen a couple of episodes last year and, like, 4 episodes this year, and I always laugh hysterically! So I finally bought Season 1 on dvd!

But then I get to work and manage to lock my keys in the car!!!

I go through this ritual at work: I take a jacket, because it's super cold in master control (so many monitors, tape machines and computers that we have to keep the AC arctic so nothing overheats), a cooler filled with bottled water (I don't get to get up and roam around because of the nature of my job so I keep my hydration at hand), and a book-bag/satchel thing (it has Homestar Runner on it!). And then yesterday I had purchased some dvds (all 4 of the Jaws movies). So I managed to get all this stuff unloaded from my car, lock the doors, shut the doors... And then notice that instead of pocketing my keys, I left them in the back seat!!!

So I had to call my brother -- who works up in North Austin, near where we live; I work downtown -- and have to ask him if he will, after his long day at work, drive downtown and open my car up for me.

Luckily, he's a cool guy and he didn't even needle me for being a dumbass.

But, I mean, I'm 34 years old and I still manage to lock my keys in the car! Often!

So I'm on my way to buy a Valet Key. See, I've been without a car for a couple of years now, and I've been borrowing my brother's car. And you can't lock the keys in it (for reasons I won't go into). But I have a car now, and I remembered last night the way I had solved the problem before...

My Genius Friend Dave -- that's his name, but I sometimes call him Genius Dave when I'm feeling lazy -- introduced me to the idea of a Valet Key. Whenever he goes somewhere that has valet (am I spelling that right?) parking, he's not comfortable giving the attendant all his keys -- house key, et. al -- so he has a Valet Key, which he keeps in his other pocket.

And this is a simply brilliant idea! (An excellent example of why I call him My Genius Friend Dave.) I'm right-handed, so I keep my keys in my right pocket. I used to keep my Valet Key in my left pocket. And the only time I even thought about my Valet Key was after I get that instant shock of panic that comes at the moment you realize you've locked your keys in your car yet again. Followed buy the euphoric sense of peace that comes when you reach in your left pocket and discover you've remembered to bring your Valet Key with you!

So I'm about to go get a Valet Key made.

Also... I had to uninstall RealPlayer! It's just such a resource-hog I couldn't get online with it on my computer!!! Check it out: I'm sporting a 1 gig harddrive! (Yes, they do still exist.) And without it I have between 205MB and 149MB of free memory on my C Drive. But with RealPlayer installed I had between 159MB and 88MB!

So no BBC Radio for me, at least not on this computer. :( But I didn't have to uninstall any of my videogames (I'm currenlt obsessed with this MSN game called Jewel Quest, with is a little like a cross between Tetris and Tai-Pai), and I can still blog, so life is still groovy!

Okay, I'm off to buy my Valet Key.

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