Friday, June 10, 2005

Aliens Have Figured Out How To Move

I'm outside having a smoke just now -- I'm facing roughly south, the sun is sinking, at about a 25-degree angle to my right -- and I look up in the eastern sky, and I see a silver, cigar-shaped vehicle flying through the sky, moving roughly north-to-south.

Now, it's moving line an airplane, not the way I've heard/read the movement of UFOs described. But as the vehicle travels further south, I still don't see wings! The further south it moves, it continues to look like a flying silver cigar-tube.

With the sun at the angle it is, I'm sure someone could come up with a formula that shows how the distance from me and the angle of the sun simply makes the wings impossible to see. And I'm not even trying to have had a UFO sighting.

But it gave me a neat notion: What if UFOs figured out that all they have to do to avoid detection is simply move the way terrestrial aircafts move?

I mean, they traveled here from another galaxy, right? Aren't they clever enough to figure out that it's their extra-terrestrial mobility that gives them away?

And now, as I write this, I wonder if there isn't some Human insight suggested by this notion. Like, if we're being targeted by peers -- because we're "too sensitive" or because we work harder than they do or because they're jealous of whatever other possitive trait we've worked for years to cultivate in ourselves but that makes them feel badly about themselves -- wouldn't it be the simplist thing in the world for us to just sort of "move" like "normal" people, like Them?

I don't mean back down from what we belive in or follow the herd. But if we're smarter can't we just flow with them when it's not against what we believe to do so?

But then, this is just a half-baked concept I'm sort of throwing out as it comes. I paint my fingernails blue simply because it amuses me, and I don't really catch flack for that. (Sometimes it even opens up brief conversations with annonymous hotties who probably wouldn't even speak to me under other circumstances...)

So blah. Whatever.

But the point is that aliens have figured out how to fool us, so we gotta keep our brain-probe-scrambling tin foil hats handy!

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