Friday, June 03, 2005

Big Day!

Exciting day for Ray Jay!!!

My special makeup effects friend Marvin stopped by the station tonight to pick up a disc with a trail logo I made for him, and ended up bringing spectacular news for me!!! (Even though he didnd't know it when he came...)

I may not have mentioned it before, but I'm an aspiring writer. And one of my obsessions is the aural arena: The Theatre of the Mind. Audioplays.

And it turns out that for the first time since... I dunno, the '50s?... there are a couple of American markets out there that might be interested in audio content! So I've been humming and hawing about a project idea I have... and tonight Marvin made it totally do-able for me!!!

See, Marvin has this band... And they have this recording studio space... You see where this is going yet?

I mean, with computers you functionally have a full recording studio. But logistically, it's still easier to record a cast of more than 3 in an actual physical space! PLUS, a big concern of mine about making this happen was the need for score... And now that's not a big worry!

On top of all that, Marvin has said he might let me tinker with some of his story concepts for horror movies that would just be too expensive to shoot as features, or to try to sell as spec scripts!


I'm "off the pot" -- refering to a West Texas phrase -- and I'm now officially working on a new project!

Moreover, I'm stoked!!!

In fact, I was looking for some backstory for this mysterious town for this project, and I found a town I had created a backstory for last year! I had done all the research so that all the historical details would work, and with a simple name change here and a tweak there, I have my new backstory! (It's always nice to find that work you've already done, that you thought might go to waste, can be recycled for a current project!)

Then, on top of that, a good friend/filmmaking buddy who had also migrated to Hollywierd stopped by to visit and catch up!

OH! And then this morning, I managed to download an older version of realPlayer on my little computer, so now I can listen to BBC radio in my room!

Okay, blah.

Not particularly exciting for anyone else, really, but I'm expecting I have a readership of maybe two -- MAYBE -- so I'm not too worried about boring anyone.

And if your name is Kal or Kelly and you are bored, don't you have some writing to be doing anyway?!!



itsjustme said...

Well, maybe a readership of 3 occasionally...I guess the ellipsis is becoming my trademark. Good stuff happening for Ray Jay, not a bad thing.

RayJay said...

Hey, thanks for the input!

You have a blog? One of the reasons I started doing this was to meet people, and I haven't yet figured out how to view other people's blogs.

If you give me your blog addy I'd love to read it!

itsjustme said...

I started one...not much to see at the moment (or probably ever for that matter). It's located here if you're bored.