Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tisha's Blogging!!!

I was doing some work on my MySpace -- -- and checked up on the 2 people who finally convinced me to sign up there, Tisha and Kelly.


I was fascinated! She starts out by summing up her life to date. So I got to see her early days the way she remembers them! And get a tiny glimpse of how she feels about her past.

Very cool!

I mean, she remembers stuff a bit differently than I do. But that's kind of understandable since she was... what? A TODDLER!!!

But I can't describe how cool it is to see it in her words!

I dunno, maybe it's 'cause I'm a writer or something, but it's just really cool to me.

Um... re-wacthed PENN & TELLER GET KILLED last night, as well as a couple hours of SEALAB 2021. (It was Brian's first time to see P&TGK and , like, 2nd or 3rd to see the Sealabs.) Then re-watched NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (Brian's first time) and then we watched the director's cut of DAREDEVIL!!!

Dude, I LOVED DAREDEVIL in the theater, but this director's cut JUST RULZ!!! THIS is the version I will re-watch and re-watch from now on!!! It's really a much, MUCH better treatment of the character and a more fulfilling story! If you had problems with the theatrical cut of DAREDEVIL you may actually enjoy the director's version!

Okay, it's way-late now, so I'm going to bed.

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