Monday, August 15, 2005

I Wasn't Late Today!

I get to work 20 minutes early today... and am informed that I'm not blogging frequently enough. Dominic Welhouse, the guy I relieve on Mondays, is not only disgruntled about my infrequent blogging, but also because I quoted our coworker Chris. His arguement is that he says plenty that is quoteable and clever.

And I agree.

I therefor will share with you some Classic Dominic Welhouse Moments! And I will do so...


"Shame on you."

He said that to me. Recently.

But there's better! Wait, hold on...

"Please delete that picture. I don't even have my glasses on."

But that's not really CLASSIC Dom. Hold on...

"She's into me!"

That's pretty classic Dom. He's said that many times. (Usually about girls he knows I'm crushing on, if memory serves. Now THAT'S classic Dominic.)

But wait, there's better....


"Oh, Ray Jay, how do I be as cool as YOU are?!! You're, like, my HERO!"

He's said that.


You know... 'cause I'm cool.

No, REALLY I am!

Why are you laughing? STOP LAUGHING! NO REALLY, I AM COOL!!! You don't know me! You don't know anything about me! I AM cool! My mom TOLD ME I'm cool!


Well, ACTUALLY... my mom wishes I were less... ME.

Anyway, sorry. Lost my mind for a moment.


Now I'm available at!

So if you just can't get enough Ray Jay...

Then you should probably go buy a dvd player, or some sort of gaming console... Maybe get a library card...

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