Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mini-Vigilante Mini-Workout

I HAD TO show you this!!!

Brian was still up when I got home and said he took this pic when he woke up this afternoon!

Just when you wanna start hatin' on the guy, Two And A Half Foot Batman goes and does something so CUTE!!!

He HAS been getting on our nerves lately, though.

Whenever one of us turns on the TV, or I turn on my jambox, the sound is ALWAYS BLARING!!!

When Brian turns on his car, too!

I keep my keys in my the top drawer of my dresser, so Two And A Half Foot Batman can't get to them without waking me up.

A couple of nights ago he tried, though.

I wake up to this CRASH and he's there in my room, and my bottotm drawer -- where I keep my manga and my RESIDENT EVIL novels -- is on the floor, upside down and I'm all "WHAT?!" and he's all "My mission requires me to confiscate your vehicle" and I'm all "Get out of my room, Dude!" and he leaves without shutting my door, mumbling sonething that I don't think Superman would ever say!

Still, sometimes he vaccuums the living room, so he's not all bad.

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