Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Not A Bad Monday

Here's a fun start to the day...

I woke up around 1: pm after hitting the Snooze button on my alarm a few times after a very, very cozy sleep.

I had to pay rent a do a couple of other things before work, though, so I HAD TO get up and get moving.

So I drag myself out of bed, drape my robe over myself and pad into the kitchen in search of some fast and easy breakfast.

I hear this dragging sound on the carpet and look around, wondering if maybe Brian is dragging-ass, too.

What I see is Two And A Half Foot Batman and it looks like he's got mischief on his mind.

But it looks like he didn't figure on Twelve Inch terminator.

Hell, I wouldn't have figured on 12" Terminator! As many times as I've been alone in Brian's room burning cds or whatever, he never said a word to me, never moved a metalic muscle. I just assumed -- as ANYONE would -- that he was just another of Brian's myriad action figures/replicas!

But I guess 2.5 Foot Batman dragging a hammer toward Brian's domain is what it takes to get his attention.

There's this stand-off for a few eternal second, but Two And A Half Foot Batman eventually relented.

I don't blame him. The glowing-red-eyes thing kinda creeped me out, too. (I had NO idea he could do that!)

The rest of the day was way-cool. I got EVERYTHING done that I needed to do, and i even got to enjoy a completely ineffable power outtage at work! We lost power for 18 minutes -- UNHEARD OF in my decade at the station!!! -- that wasn't our fault, and there was nothing we COULD do but ride it out. So we did, and the power came back on in time for the 6pm newscast, so the damage was kind of minimal.

Strange day. But not unwelcome.

PLUS... I helped out the head of promotions for my station and she gave me a swag copy of Dave Matthews Band's new album STAND UP, and it's REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!! I only had 2 of their albums before this one, but I dig their sound, their whole vibe. There's something to them that's outside my usual taste in music, but really gratifying in some way I can't articulate.

Anyway, stange day. But groovy..

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