Saturday, August 13, 2005

Long Friday

Sorry I've been derilect in my blogging!!!

Been way-busy.

Between the -------- project and work, I haven't really been able to have particularly interesting misadventures. (I should probably get out more...)

Super Hot Traci's at her new job, Tisha's getting ready togo back to school, and Tommy, Brian and I are doing the say old same ol'.

My friend in LA, Kelly, is doing groovy things! (But he can get his own blog to tell you about them.)

My long-time buddy Nicole is blogging now!!! THAT rocks!!! In fact, please check out her blog at! (She's a hottie, huh?! DUDE!!! I'VE seen her in a BIKINI!!! More than once!!!)

And,,, uh...

I got my mp3 disc of Rod Serling's ZERO HOUR in the mail tonight!!! 61 episodes!!!

For those who don't know, Rod
Serling is the UBERWRITER who gave us the genius that is THE TWILIGHT ZONE. He was this carzy-gifted television writer back in the '50s who fought endless battles with censorship by advertiser sponsoring the TV shows his scripts aired on (many TV shows back then were anthology shows, where every week there was a completely different 90-minute movie-of-the-week, essentially, as opposed to the episodic format TV has favored for the last 4 decades) and so he realized that if you're telling a sci-fi or horror story, you could write about robots or monsters or aliens and the sponsors didn't get that you were commenting on political hot-button social issues of the current times, and thus would not have you water-down your story to avoid potential controversy.

A mere 3 years after THE TWILIGHT ZONE's original run, Gene Roddenbery would follow Serling's lead and create STAR TREK, which would cover some of the same social territory, but with running characters and situations, yet still dealwith hot-button political issues of the day.

Anyway, in 1974 Rod Serling produced and hosted a radio series that lasted 2 seasons. It aired 5 times a week for half an hour. For the first season (the episodes I just got in the mail!!!) it adapted thriller novels into 5 episodes, so that you listened to the entire storyline over the course of a week.

I'm stoked because (a) I'm a Rod Serling junky, and the more obscure the artifact the more my Fan-boy heart loves it, and (b) I think that there's a lot I can learn from these stories, as they were produced by ROD-THE-MAN-SERLING HIMSELF!!! He only wrote a few of the actual scripts (I don't yet know if it was 2 or 3 or how many), but if he was indeed a producer on the show, it's QUALITY! Plus, every one who knows who Rod Serling is knows of THE TWILIGHT ZONE. But I'm guessing that even people who know that NIGHT GALLERY was his creation (though it got ripped away from him by the network) don't know he had A RADIO SHOW!

He was truly a man after my own heart! He had even considered doing THE TWILIGHT ZONE for radio before he sold it to TV!!!

And now, many of the classic episode are being very faithfully and ably adapted to radio by the people at Falcon Picture. See for more info. I've purchased 32 of the episodes on cd so far!

But though Stacy keach is and able host -- as was Forrest Whitaker in the 2002-2003 UPN version of the show and Burgess Meridith in TWILIGHT ZONE:THE MOVIE -- it's not quite the same as hearing Mr. Serling himself! And so one thing that ZERO HOUR has over THE TWILIGHT ZONE RADIO DRAMAS is Rod Serling's narrations. (Though, granted, the TZRDs are his ACTUAL WRITING...)

I'm rambling. Sorry. It's just that I became aware tonight that I've been blogging so very little lately, after discovering that I actually have a few more readers than I realized. So if I can't offer you the amusing physical adventures of my outter life, at least I can relate some of the adventures of my inner life.

You know?

Anyway, I have work tomorrow (3p -- an hour earlier than I'm usually supposed to be there) so I'm signing off.

I'm getting tired of typing "Sorry; been busy; not much has happened" though, so I'll try to go do something interesting soon.

May you experience Love and Light in YOUR misadventures!!!

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