Wednesday, August 31, 2005

SAHARA Rules!!!

Okay, I've got a Two And A Half Foot Batman story to share with you, but for some reason I'm having trouble uploading the pics via, and I feel that Two And A Half Foot Batman stories work best with visual aids. So pleas bare with me, and I'll get the latest to you as soon as I figure out what's wrong with the site/programs.

In the meantime... I had a GROOVY day!!!

The day started with bad news. My friend Chuck in Florida, I mailed him... something. he reads the blog from time to time, so I won't share with you what I mailed him. But it was returned today! (With a charge of $4.69, no less! Not only did the US Postal Service NOT provide the service I paid them to provide, but THEY CHARGED ME to return the package to me!)

That SUCKS!!! I've had this ongoing email conversation with Chuck about mail, even going so far as to track down the etymology of the word, just to have something to say to him to keep the subject alive without sayinf "I sent you ------"! But then today I discovered why he hadn't recieved his package yet.

Anyway, that's the only thing I can complain about with this day.

The ACTUAL start to the day was an hour earlier, when UPS delivered a parcel containing this fragrance -- Farhrenhiet, by Christion Dior -- that I'd ordered last Thursday/Friday (it was Thursday Night for me, but Friday morning by normal standards). I haven't worn a scent since I was, like, 16. Back then the only scents I had access to were inexpensive, and didn't mix well with my body chemestry. And I learned, VERY QUICKLY, that my natural scent was surprisingly effective to the ladies I pursued...

I'm 34 now, and I don'tpossess the bod I did back then. So I decided to ask My Super-Hot Best Friend Traci what fragrances were alluring. She had one Number 1: Fahrenheit. She named a few more that were less expensive, but I wasn't interested. She has a PRIMAL reaction to the scent of Farhrenheit, so that's the one for me!!!

Don't get me wrong here, I don't believe I can turn our friendship into a Friends With Bennifits situation. But I figure that women will, generally, react similarly to the scent, and any womane who recognizes the scent will know how much it costs and therefore judge me as a cat who will go a little extra for her pleasure.

Blah. Whatever.

Anyway, the scent makes me feel better about my attractiveness, and THAT'S what it's worth to me.

Okay, so that's groovy. But groovier still is the NEXT parcel that arrived: Brian's birthday is this Friday, and I discovered a present that will give him HOURS of child-like glee!!! (He doesn't usually read this blog, but I'm still not going to disclose the present here, JUST IN CASE.)

Now,. because I'm the selfish bastard I am, I also ordered some dvds for myself with Brian's birthday present. So I now own ROCKY & BULLWINKLE & FRIEND: THE COMPLETE SEASON 2 and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD: 30th ANNIVERSARY EDITION!!! And that's WAY-COOL!!! (I have both the original DAWN OF THE DEAD and the Unrated Director's Version of the remake, AND I've had Season 1 of Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends since it first came out, unable to buy the second season for a while now!)

Okay, so all that is ridiculously cool to me.

But then I got a call from Traci -- always a joyful thing -- and she had her SECOND INTERVIEW for this job she really wants today! And from what she described, I think it went well!!!

Now that's some REALLY good news! (Don't get me wrong, I DIG geeking out on my personal stuff, but what happens to the people I love is infinitely more imorptant to me!!!)

By the way, a side note:

Any of you who give a shit about this blog and who are spiritual, PLEASE pray for brian and Traci to get the jobs they are hoping for!!!

I don't care what faith you are -- I am against organized religion (and I doubt I'll ever elaborate on this blog about my spiritual beliefs); I only believe in spirituality -- but however you express your spirituality, I ask you to send Love and Light to my brother and one of my very best friends to get the jobs they each seek. If you can, just believe that they each deserve the bennifits their respective job prospects will provide them.

Okay, so: Chuck's package returned; bad. BUT, I got my "new scent"; good. I got Brian's birthday present BEFORE Friday; good. I got new dvds for me; good. Traci's job interview went well; good.

This is all between the time I woke up -- around 1:30 pm -- and the time Brian and I had our weekly dinner with Mom -- usually around 5:30 pm.

Then Mom took us to The Brick Oven for diner!!! I had an Italian Stromboli which was DIVINE!!! And Mom ordered some lasgna for Gan-gan -- her mom -- which Brian and I gt to accompany Mom to take to Gan-gan's pad!!!

Brian hadn't seen Gan-gan's pad before, so this was a new thing for him. I have seen Gan-gan's pad, and I dig the vibe there! (Plus, you know, GAN-GAN!!!)

Turns out Gan-gan is a GILMORE GIRLS fan!!! That's cool information to have!

Then Brian and I returned home and watched SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES, a film based on a Ray Bradbury film, screenplay written by Bradbury himself! This was my second time to see the flick, and Brian's first time as an adult. (He had seen parts of it as a kid; but you really can't enjoy the movie for all that it is until you've reached at least 30 years of life.)

Then we went to Walmart and I got to give Brian a bamboo Banzai tree. (His non-bamboo one died a year or so ago, and the bamboo one I own was given to me by my dear friend Regina. And it seems that some of the "luck" inherent in the bamboo Banzai is in it's giving...)

Then we retruned and watched GHOST DOG:THE WAY OF THE SAMURAI with Forest Whitaker -- which was BAD-ASS!!! -- and finished off the night with SAHARA -- which turned out to be as great and fun as I had hoped!!!

In fact, the guy at The Movie Imporium that sold it to me wasn't a fan of Clive Clussler's Dirk Pitt novels, but said the movie "was better than it had any right to be". I agree. With the qualification that a great writer and a great director and a great producer -- and/or a great cast -- can easily turn a mediocre novel into a FANTASTIC movie!

I want to say that it was Howard Hawks who told Ernest Hemingway (after a particularly disappointing adaptation of one of Heminway's novels) to give him one of Hemingway's worst short stories and he'd make a great movie out of it. This was to illustrate the point of the difference fo what cinema does with storytelling versus what novels to with storytelling. particularly detailed storytelling is best done with novels. But more simplistic storytelling often fares best in cinema.


I'm rambling now.

The point: THIS WAS A GREAT DAY!!!

And I wouldn't trade my life for ANYBODY'S life!

Hope you're at least HALF as happy with your day as I am with today!!!

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