Saturday, August 27, 2005

Fun w/Roommates

I got paid this weekend and today I bought this ship's supply of rum. (I can't drink it, of course, because I still have 5 more months of probation for my DWI back in November of 2000; but Brian rather enjoys the stuff.) But they only had one of the two brands this crew favors.

Now, I've had a ROUGH day at the office, and spent the last hour BORED... OUT... OF... MY... MIND. There wasn't any work left for me to do -- I had completed EVERYTHING I have to do on Fridays in a mere 9 hours (being facetious here) -- and I couldn't read my book -- Ray Bradbury's THE OCTOBER COUNTRY -- for fear of passing out right then and there.

So when I got home with the booty, I had a mischievious air about me.

I stripped the bottle of its lable and put it where the liquor goes, but with a challenge issued on a 3x5 card:

Brian is to GUESS, without uncorking the bottle, which brand of Whaler's rum I purchased, take a shot of it, and if he's wrong he has to take a SECOND shot.

The trick is this:

His brand of Whaler's is "Killer" Coconut, a very sweet and insideous incarnation that tastes just like coconut juice, but packs a whollup about hald an hour after you've embibed it. My brand is Great White, an incarnation of rum that actually warns you what you're getting into with it's bitter taste (that's why I like it: the warning), but pounds on you much more quickly.

Looking at the liquid, one is more likrly to guess -- wromgly -- that it's the tarter of the two.

And thus, I suspect that my dear brother will be forced to down 2 shots when he was expecting only one!


Okay, now that I look at it on the screen, it seems a rather lame game.

But it SEEMED like FUN when I invented it!


I'm gonna watch go play some Tomb Raider.

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