Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Cornwall is SO LUCKY!

My baby just left for a week-long vacation.

I'm SO happy for her! She's meantioned this particular trip since we were just friends in SL, so I'm really, really glad that she gets to go!!!

Plus, she said she'll take pictures, and I can't wait to see those! :D

And I also can't wait to hear the stories!!! She and her friend Rachel (with whom she's going) seem to get into a lot of trouble in astoundingly funny ways!!! Just a quick example: I woke up to this text message on my phone: "im a little drunk hehe. love u so much. i punched a guy in the face coz i av the only perfect guy in the world. x" I COULDN'T WAIT for her to wake up so I could hear the story behind that one!!!

So yeah, I'll bet she brings back some great tales next week! ;)

I'm becoming addicted to playing Minesweeper with her! She usually kicks my ass, but I win a game every now and then. But sometimes when she's playing she'll hum along to whatever song she's listening to, and she has a LOVELY voice! And sometimes I'll look over at her webcam and she'll be sticking her tongue out out me, lol!

She's SO MUCH FUN!!!

And I always blush when I read her blog entries! Very ego-boosting! lol Oooooh, and this last entry has a new pic of her up! AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!!! Instead of Renascance Festivals, in England they have Medievil Dress Festivals, and she posted a pic of her in her gown there. :D

I AM the luckiest dude IN THE WORLD!!!

I need to go have some adventures so I can take pics. I think the last time I got some new pictures of myself was last November when we all went to the CS Screnwriting Expo. I don't get out enough, lol.

Ooh! I should finish one of these screenplays we're working on... Pics on a film set are always cool!

That's what I'll do this week while I'm missing my sweety! Help pass the days faster. :D

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