Saturday, August 26, 2006

I miss my Gnomey Goddess :(

Wednesday she left for Cornwall with her friends, and she promised to keep in touch via text massages -- and she TOTALLY HAS! -- and I figured it would be fine because she scheduled her holiday to coincide with my work week. So most of the time would me me sleeping or working anyway. And I'll be getting text messages.

It'll be fine...

But now I am ACHING to see her again and hear her voice!!! lol It's crazy! We've probably emailed and text-message-ed each other more in the last 3 1/2 days that since we've been together!

But there's just SOMETHING about those webcam conversations that makes me feel closer to her, I guess. I mean, I don't know what it is that's making me miss her (we haven't even met face-to-face yet!) but somehow I DO MISS HER! So much!

But her texts have been SO GREAT!!! She'll tell me where she's going and what she's up to, and say sweet, SWEET things to me!

One text informed me that she had just fallen over and off a hill, and that her friend had fallen on top of her, and that they were currently laughing their asses off. If the laughing part hadn't been in the message I might have started worrying.

Another said that they were driving past some cows in a field just standing next to the fence, then one cow LEAPS on another and just starts going at it! I was sitting in the living room with Brian and we were talking about his screenplay (I think) when my phone beeps and I get this text!!! I just love the fact that Gnomey's the type of person who sees this and HAS TO share it with me! :D She's SO FUNNY!!!

And MAN! Last night was HELL at work!!! I ended up staying an hour late just to finish up all my stuff from my shift! And normally a night like last night would have had me in a VERY surly mood. But throughout the night I got text messages from her, and everyone just seemed to erase whatever annoying (or frightening) thing had happened to me in the previous hour, and just fill me with this excitedness and happiness and just straight-up JOY!!!

Life can be very, very beautiful!!! (PARTICULARLY if you've got a Gnomey in your life!)


Ooh! And -- switching gears ENTIRELY -- I figured out a way to make sure the screenplays keep moving... I devised a schedule of writing/altering 5 3x5 cards every day until we have 40 cards in the correct order and just KNOW that we're ready to write pages.

See, I've read screenwriting books that tell you to write 10 pages a day or whatever until the screenplay is done, and also say to work out the story first with 3x5 cards or by writing a treatment or an outline... But they NEVER, EVER, EVER tell you how to schedule the MOST IMPORTANT PHASE OF THE SCREENPLAY!!! Unless you want to rewrite your screenplay 10 or 20 times, you need to spend MOST of your writing process PLANNING the screenplay. But none of the writing books I've read in the 14 years I've been studying screenwriting have EVER provided a plan opf attack for the preparation!

But luckily, I'm resourceful, and I created one.

It was Brian that helped me out, actually! As I watch him grow as a writer I've been noticing all the answers he needs to questions that I used to ask (and sometimes still do)! And when he asks the questions I sort of go back through 14 years of study... and realize that I never got the answers to many of those questions, either!!!

So I'm now starting to do what I maybe could have done several years ago, if I had trusted my own ability and skill: I'm making it up as I go.

Anyway, this isn't my writing blog; I have a whole other forum for this conversation. The reason I bring up the cards at all is this: You remember how happy I was that I had written 15 out of 40 cards for the Slasher Flick idea? Well, I KNEW I wouldn't be able to work on it last night because even when everything goes right my Thursdays are a bitch. So I'm all ready to get to work tonight... Only I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT I DID WITH THOSE CARDS I WROTE!!!

I have, effectively, lost 45 pages worth of script!

What kind of writer DOES THAT?!!


Okay, I should finish up my shift so I don't have to stay late... again.

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