Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I spent the rest of yesterday listening to SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH, heheh.

I slept well and had some groovy dreams, but can't remember them. I was DEFINETELY with my Gnomey in one of them, but I can't for the life of me remember what we were doing or where we were. (She's at this place with lots of gardens, or maybe one big uber-garden, and I am tempted to say we might have been there, but I'm not sure.)

Then I woke up to an off-line message from her saying she wish I was there with her because it's beautiful! (She also gave me another reason why she wished I were there with her, but that's just for me ;P ) She also said that she got soaked, as it's raining -- my poor baby can't seem to NOT get rained on -- but she said the place is goreous, even in the rain. So YAY!

It sounded like she's having fun, and that's exactly what I want for her!!! :D

I woke up and Brian was re-re-watching BIG TROUBLE -- one of the FUNNIEST movies EVER -- and we got to talking about it's structure (he's really trying to nail-down the structure of his script, as none is really presenting itself at the moment) and that got us talking about my Slasher Flick idea...

I few days ago I proposed that maybe the reason we're having such difficulty with our screenplays is that we're just biting off a bit more than we know how to chew yet. We're working with big ideas that will make great movies, but neither of us has finsihed a feature script that we're proud of. And with a feature-length project, you're juggling a lot of material.

So my suggestions was this: We both know the Slasher sub-genre by heart. He grew up with the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET movies and I was a FRIDAY 13TH fanatic, so we both know the structure and conventions and cliches and traditions by heart.

So we take a set structure that we're really, really familiar with, and just try to come up with our own take on it.

He's was down for the idea. And today we tossed around ideas, I drug up some backstory I had written before for previous projects, he brought his fresh take and his particular style, and I now have 15 our of 40 3x5 index cards!!!

One approach to writing a screenplay is to break Act I and Act III into 10 3x5 notecards and break Act II into 20 3x5 cards, and each card contains a story moment -- such as "The body is found" or "So-and-so is chased by Bad Guy". That lets you know you've got enough story. Then you arrange and rearrange, and rewrite, those cards until you can tell that you have the movie.

And THEN you sit down with those cards and write the actual pages.

So if you do the math, I have approximately 30 pages of script done... You know, when it comes to that point in the process.


Blah, I'm babbling, aren't I?

Anyway... I should get ready for work now. PEACE!!!


(And for those of you who aren't my Gnomey Goddess, sry, couldn't help myself... I know "Get a room" right? lol)

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