Saturday, August 26, 2006

Workin' It ;P

Okay, so last night I didn't really get any writing done, after having figured out a 5 Cards Written Or Altered A Day schedule, and I was a little concerned.

But then I got home and rewrote the 15 3x5 cards I misplaced (still haven't found them) AND THEN I wrote 5 new ones!!! So I'm on schedule!!!


And then I started a free screenwriting workshop on my writing blog! I'm kinda proud of that, because I have been looking for an affordable screenwriting workshop for, like, a decade! None exists. (Well... nothing I can afford.) I've spent SO MUCH time and money learning teh craft, but in the end it just comes down to ME... By myself... No one to hold my hand through the process.

It's as though the pros and gurus are like "We'll tell you tons and tons and tons, but we won't give you ALL the peices." In fact, they'll tell you how to write the script in great detail, and then say "But first, you have to outline it, which is 60% of the actual job of screenwriting" and then preceed to NOT tell you ANTYHING about HOW to outline, or break the story, or treat it, or whichever method you use.

So in the end I just have to figure it out for myself.

And that's DAMN annoying, lol. I wanted someone to, like, train me or mentor me or something.

So I figure I will be that guy for someone else. (ANYONE else, if they want to read my other blog.)

Plus, it'll be a fun adventure. I am hellbent on the idea that I'm going to write and sell a screenplay within the next 12 months, and the writing blog should provide a chronicle of that.


You're bored with me, aren't you?


Yay! :D

I'm gonna go home after work and climb straight into bed in hopes that I'll wake up well early, like maybe 3:00 pm so I get to hang with her before she goes to sleep and/or it's time for that Family Dinner thing Brian and I do on Sundays.

I'm out of my mind with the thought of seeing her again! The texts and emails have been WONDERFUL, but hearing her voice again!!! SEEING that FACE again!!!

Okay, I'm gonna go away now and thing happy, happy thoughts :)

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