Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can't sleep, lol.

I went to bed WAY early this morning, and I think I got about 5 hours of sleep and I woke up... And I couldn't get back to sleep. I have to get back to my regular (well, my NEW sleep schedule) somehow. 'Cause around 2:00 am all last week my body kept shutting down, and all of a sudden I'm just dead tired. And so Sunday night (Monday morning) I actually did take a nap and slept for about 4 and a half hours, then I ended up falling alseep just almost the moment Wendy went to work this morning, slept about 5 hours, laid in bed for several hours, and now I'm afraid that if I go to sleep I won't wake up until well after she's in bed!

I've GOT TO finish this screenplay and get her HERE or get me over there! lol

Omg! I feel so bad for her this morning because the last hour beofre she went to work I was just this dead-eyed, half drooling simpleton... I drank a cup of strong, strong balck coffee (the kind that puts hair on your chest, and other places) and I still couldn't keep up with her, lol.

It's Quiz Night at her pub, and I keep getting these GREAT text messages from her! :D I can't wait for her to get home! (hee-hee-hee)

Oh, and yesterday we played Checkers online for the first time, and I never realized what an erotic game that could be! (At least with her, heheh!) It's been a while since I played checkers, and computer programs sometimes follow different rules than what people do, so I'm setting up this move and she moves one of her pieces into danger. The way I used to play, I would have had a choice: To keep moving with my strategy or to jump her piece.

But she informed me that, "You have to take me."

I caught my breath after a second and I'm like, "I have to take you?"


COMPLETELY STRAIGHT FACED! The woman didn't even blink! Did she have any idea what I was hearing?

Then she repeated, "Yeah, you have to take me."

So, by golly, I took her! :D

A few moves later I was able to get my pieces moved around to execute a different strantagy, and I taunted her with...

"You see what I'm doing? I'm trying to get you to expose yourself. You know, so I can take you."

Again, she doesn't giggle, doesn't crack a smile, doesn't let on that she has any idea what I'm saying... But she comes back with this gem:

"If you become a King you can take me from the front OR from the BACK."

She knew EXACTLY what I was hearing! lol And was, like, 50 times more clever about it than I was!

Plus, she kicked my ass 3 games in a row.

But with that masterful dead-pan she's got going on, I don't think i could ever play Poker with her! (Not even Strip Poker, because she might loose a shoe or something, but I'd be buck naked!)

In fact, she confessed a little maneuvre that she had pulled when we were playing Minesweeper once that revealed that not only does she just ALWAYS know what's going on, and not only is she crafty, be she knows me much to well for my own good! LOL If I ever think that I'm being clever and playing her, she EXACTLY what my move is and is making her own move that I don't even know about!

The woman is brilliant!

You look at her face and you might be tempted to think "How sweet and innocent," but don't you believe it! You talk to her and think "Poor thing's so nice and kind that she must get taken advantage of all the time!" She is UNBELIEVABLY nice with the kindsness (and generosity and capacity to love) of and ANGEL!!! But NO ONE is taking advantage of my baby! lol Not even me! :D (Not unless she give it, hehehe)

It's so funny, too, because she tells me stories, and the people who only know her superficially well seem to think she's this silly, "immature", playful chick... And they seem to have NO CLUE what all is really going on upstairs.

Fair Warning: If you ever think you're playing Gnomey Munts, she's probably playing you. (And she WILL win, hee-hee.)

Thank God I have such a huge ego! I can see how other men might be indimidated.

Me, I am simply wrapt with admiration!

And... um... OTHER emotions as well... ;)

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