Thursday, August 17, 2006

I got to see her!!! :)

Okay, so Monday and Tuesday I stayed up well later than I should have because my super-hot trans-Atlantic buddy is on vacation this week, and I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could! And if you read my previous blog, you know that stayed up too late writing it. So even though I woke up around 1:30 am Wednesday morning, I told myself I was gonna be a good boy and go back to sleep by 10a, so that I could sort of reset my sleep schedule.

I was a good boy and did, but it didn't work. But I'll get to that...

So she wakes up around 3a, and the moment I see that she has signed-on to the messenger I decide I'm gonna be cool and wait, give her plenty of time to wake up and decide she wants to chat.

...and then I immediately IMed her anyway: "Good morning!"

BTW: "She" is Gnomey! Her mom sometimes calls her that because she (Gnomey) created her own language, which she calls "Gnomish". (And I have NO idea if I'm spelling that correctly, lol.) And this language is actually known only to Gnomey! But from time to time she'll slip into it without knowing that she has. So if she, for instance, pointed and yelled "Shoop", she would be pointing to a singular sheep. Or if she said the was looking for the "munts", that would mean she's looking for an item, then name of which she can't currently remember or simply does not know. (This woman COULD NOT be more adorable or fun to be around!!!)

Oh, and the name Gnomey is also nicely obtuse, as her appearance is ANYTHING but gnome-like!!!

But back to my little tail...

So I have no self-control and so I emailed her the moment she has woken up practically, and we chatted, I confused her once because I'm already wide awake and all... you know, ME and she's still waking up. (I chat like I blog, only -- if you can imagine it -- my spelling is worse.) And after a bit she asks "u wanna hear my bed voice" and my response, natch, is "YEAH I DO!"

So then we're talking to each other, live! Her her naturally mellodic voice was a little soar from winning 2nd Place (out of 15 teams) at Quiz Night the night before, so it's actually quite sexy, as well!

And she shoots me some links, some of which I MUST share with you:

George W. Bush sings "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"
Storm Trooper COPS

LORD Of The RINGS Parody

Now, some of these (maybe all of them) you might have seen before. I had heard of the Storm Trooper COPS and seen parts of it, but had not seen the whole thing before. But that first one is a KILLER!!! (The Sunday, Bloody Sunday" one!!!)

And this is actually the second-and-a-half time I've written this blog entry. I tried to write it before I went back to bed yesterday, but for some reason the links messed up the formatting, so half of the entry just would not publish. So I scrapped the whole thing.


She also told me about a band -- that I still need to listen to, lol -- called Nightwish.

And we also spent some time playing Flash games at! She showed me where the Adult Games were, and then proceeded to show me some of the funniest video games I have ever seen!!! In fact, just the experience of trying to removed a sleeping woman's clothes without waking her is NOTHING compared to hearing Gnomey triumphantly announce "I got her bra off" or curse, followed by a very disappointed "She woke up"!!! (These sound clips I have replayed in my memory quite a few times already!)

The conversation is even funnier than that, but I don't want to just sit here and recount EVERYTHING that makes her so cool, because... well... that's EVERYTHING about her... It would take a while.

But around 8a she finally had to go. She was meeting a friend for lunch. Gnomey had chatted with me from the time she woke up until lunchtime!!!

And it felt to me like I had lived a whole extra day, hangin' with her! I mean, we talked about all kinds of stuff, watched all kinds of stuff together, played many games... THE WOMAN HAD WEDGED A 4TH DAY INTO MY WEEKEND SOMEHOW! (My weekends are 3 days long, btw.... Yes, it is VERY cool.)

I'm tellin' ya... All Hail the Goddess Gnomey!!! The woman's magical! She got, like, skillz and super powers and shiznit!

And after she logged out I went to work blogging... And it didn't work :( So then I rewrote... no workie, still. So I looked at the HTML to see if I could fix it... I'll let you guess the otucome of that.

But a bright spot, before I decided to scrap the whole entry, was that she texted me while she was with her friend!!! She's SUCH a SWEETY!!! I had told her that I was blogging about earlier and one of her messages to me was "u stil bloggin then, dnt 4get 2 mention how great u r an how much u mean 2 me"!!! That's word for word!!! She said that!!! To me!!! :D (She may not have thought I'd stick it in the blog, tho'... hee-hee-hee!)

Ultimately, though, the entry couldn't be saved and I went to sleep without documenting how much fun I had had and what a great "4th weekend day". But I went to sleep like a good boy right around 10:00 am.

And I woke up, like a bad boy, 3 hours later. :(

She had sent me a text (for me to read when I woke up, bless her!!!) so I texted her... Then emailed her... (Text messages are just so CONFINING to me, language-whore that I am.)

But then I went back to bed... Knowing that I would soon be able to chat with her -- maybe even speak to each other again!!! -- and that if I went back to sleep and got up when i was supposed to she would already be alseep when my alarm clock woke me, I went back to bed.

And tried to go to sleep.

And 4 and a half hours later, I saw that she was online and f*ckin' gave up on f*ckin' falling asleep. (I still had an hour and a half before my alarm was set to go off.)

[Also, I think my body thinks that sleep is just a game or something... It's like a child! My body is like a small child, running around and yelling when you tell it it's bedtime. And you can tell it "You need this or you'll hurt tomorrow, when you're ready to drop down dead and you still have 5 more hours of your shift left, and a half-hour drive home" and it says "okay" and jumps on the bed and bounces a few times before flying into the hall and continuin it's loud and happy little sprint through the house. I;m sorry, my body is a disobedient brat when it comes to sleep. It'll do anything -- ANYTHING -- else I tell it (Don't get sick: "Okay", I'm not gonna exercise, but you don't get too much outta shape: "Okay", Do the splits: "Okay"), but it WILL NOT go to sleep when I frickin' need it to... And then it bitches and moans 3 hours into my shift "Sleep now." No, work now, remember? I explained this to you-- "SLEEP NOW" and I'm passed out in my coffee for the next 20 minutes. Sry... Venting...]

{That was surreal, huh?}


Oh, so I give up trying to sleep and she's on and she says "guess wot" and I'm like "what?" and she's "guess" and I'm all.. "Um..." and she says it will make me love technology even more!


So for this evening's conversaion, I got to actually see her as we spoke! (And this my first webcam conversation: Remember that I just discovered the microphone Monday or Tuesday.)

And remember how I described Gnomey's smile in the last blog entry? Hearing her voice the first time I guessed that actually seeing her laugh would be, like, a spiritual experience... Like she's got the kind of laugh that just makes you want to see Gospel music. And I was SO dead-on with that prediction!

(She's TOTALLY reading this and she's TOTALLY blushing as she does ;P You should see that, too, it's well hot!!!)

We had a nice long chat before I had to jump in the shower and come to work (and pass out in my coffee for 20 minutes, then another 25 on the computer keyboard 3 hours into my shift becuase SOMEONE doesn't want to sleep when it's available...) and that brings us back to "Do": a dear... A female dear. "Ray": a name I call myself. "Me": a...

Shit, how does that go again?

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