Saturday, August 19, 2006

Got Me A Webcam :)

I couldn't stand it any more and I sprang for a webcam so my sweet, sweet Gnomey could see me... and escape if she wanted to, lol.

She didn't run away screaming!!! :)

In fact, twice when I suggested she's too pretty for me she shushed me, lol! (I'm so crazy about this woman!!!)

So yesterday my Gnomey and I BOTH got to see each other as we chatted :)

Only, we keep having mic problems! Yesterday her mic gave out, so I could talk to her but she had to IM to me. And then this morning I tried using Brian's computer, and the webcam worked way better on his computer, but the mic didn't work at all :( So we just IMed, but we got to see each other while we typed.

And then sometime yesterday she started her own blog :) As you can imagine, I'm a fan!!!

If you read the blog, then look at the picture of her, you're gonna be like "Okay, Ray Jay, what lies have you been telling this poor woman?" But I SWEAR I haven't deceaved her in the slightest! And I haven't bribe her, either! I was just as surprised as you were when I read it, lol!

She's just a sweety, what can I say?

So I'm just kind of bouncing around everywhere I go nowadays, beaming and joyous and giggling like a schoolboy :)

Life can be SO SWEET sometimes!!!

Okay, so now I just need to finish these screenplays, get financing to make one and sell the other two THEN FLY TO ENGLAND!!!

Or fly her here... It's been really cold and rainy where she is and she misses the sun, lol. So I have some work to do before Happily Ever After, but I have never seen a BRIGHTER LIGHT at the end of any tunnel!!!

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