Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Poor Sick Baby

Gnomey's ill at the moment :(

But the cool part is that last night (her time... It was morning by my schedule, lol) she was laying in bed and couldn't get to sleep -- that's not the cool part, that's also bad -- and so she let me read the first 6 chapters of SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH to her! :D

That's just SO COOL to me, because we -- society as a whole -- just don't read to each other enough! lol And that's a shame! because we love entertainment, right? We love stories! We watch endless TV and make dates to go to the movies with each others, and tell each other stories over lunch or dinner or at work or parties. But some stories are so perfect told a very specific way that they are published and sold, to be read over and over again by millions.

But when was the last time you read to someone special, other than your child? Or had someone read to you?

It's such a cool and personal way to share with someone you care about!!!

So much cooler than just saying "Oh, you've got to read such-and-such! It's great!" Well maybe I don't have the money to go track down and buy such-and-such. Or maybe I can't read! Huh?! Didja ever think of that?!! And maybe I'm embarrased that, at 36, I'm illiterate!!! You're SO INSINCITIVE!!!

Sorry... I got lost there for a second... Where was I?

Oh, right.

So anyway, she couldn't fall asleep, and I have had some luck with putting women to sleep with my voice (I know, "Don't admit that out loud," right?) so I jokingly suggested I read to her until she falls alseep. (I have MANY TIMES fallen asleep to Douglas Adams as he read me his amazing novles!)

And she liked the idea!!!

So I'm like, "Okay!" :D

And, like, Sunday or sometime I had suggested she read SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH because of the love story between Arthur and Fenchurch. There's something about Fenchurch that reminds me of Gnomey -- a certain sense of fun and kindness, and a certain comfortableness with her own beauty and sexiness -- and there's something about their relationship that somehow reminds me of what I feel when I'm talking to her. I just thought that if I identify with it, maybe she would, too.

Plus, I figured she would enjoy Adam's sense of humor.

So I grabbed my big-ass THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE and turned to page 475 and started reading.

Now I'm not the most accomplished reader, but she likes my voice and she likes my accent, and she reassured me a couple of times that I was doing fine. Douglas reads it better -- natch, it's his book -- and I even have a copy of the book-on-tape, but I rather enjoyed reading it to her myself. I got to enjoy the story again, and I also got to feel like I was giving her the story. You know? Like a gift. :) But more personal than, say, mailing it to her, lol.

I do hope I did the material justice! But I heard her laugh throughout, so I think I didn't completely ruin it.

Earlier today -- before I went to bed on what is to me "Sunday night" -- I got to play Showdown Solitaire and Minesweeper with her!!! She kicked my ass, but it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

She is REALLY AMAZING, that woman!

We had gotten to the part of the conversation where I'm just staring at her and can't think of anything interesting to say, and she had told me all her stories for the moment, I think, so she started up a game!

How cool is that?!!

And HOW FRIGGIN' COOL is technology nowadays that we can do that?!!

Okay, I'm talking to us Old Folks for a second: Remember high school crushes? Remember begging your parents to let you talk to your girlfriend on the phone? And you two just go on about how much you wish you could see each other right now, but you can't because it's after hours right now, or whatever? How much do you wish that you could be talking to her in the privacy of your room, and SEEING her while you talked to her?!! You're watching STAR TREK thinking "Videophones would be COOL!"

Or worse, you're all tongue-tied because you've got a picture of her in your hand, staring at it with her on the phone, and you can't think of anything to say other than "You're SO PRETTY" and "I love you SO MUCH". And then she says "Okay... I guess I'll talk to you later..." HOW COOL would it have been to just start up a game that the two of you could play?!!

Who ever chose to make two-player games available to people who are chatting WAS REALLY THINKING!!!

Life is good! :D

So... another amazing day for Ray Jay! :) Now if I can just win the lottery... lol

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