Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Am The Sausage Man

So I'm video-chatting with Wendy this morning ("morning" in that I had just woken up) and I'm eating pizza for breakfast -- an EXCELLENT way to start off ANY day!

And my Gnomey Goddess asks me what kind it is.

So I tell her: It's Tony's brand pepperoni and sausage.

Okay, so I'll take a break in the narrative to explain that I've been exposed to a lot of kevin Smith recently. I've re-watched CLERKS 2 and watched the behind-the-scene feature and listened to the SMOdcasts and even watched BOTTOM'S UP (starring Jason Mewes as the lead). So when I hear the word "sausage" I think "penis".

So I go for the joke: "You can tell your friends that your boyfriend loves the sausage."

It's a funny joke, I think. It's shocking, it's not what you expect to hear a straight man say, particularly if you're going out with him.

It was a mistake, though.

And maybe not for the reasons you might expect.

Randomly throughout the rest of the conversation -- up until I had to go and get ready for work -- my baby asks "So how was your sausage, baby?" Or "Did you enjoy your sausage?" Or some variation on the question.

I'm not living this down anytime soon.

I am the sausage-lover.

I'm stuck with it.

Someone else might have laughed and blushed and then quickly changed the subject and forgotten the joke as quickly as possible.

Not my baby.

I'm the sausage-lover now, lol.

I mean, literally speaking it's true... I dig sausage in just about any form I can get it. Breakfast sausage links, breakfast sausage patties, Itallian sausage, pork sausage, Li'l Smokies teeny-tiny party sausages, on pizza -- ESPECIALLY on pizza!!!

One could say (and I know I'll regret this, as well) I love sausage every which way!


But then again, her sense of humor is one of the many, many reasons I fell in love with my Gnomey. And her playful attitude.

And it's those 2 character traits that are gonna be a pain in my ass for a long time to come, lol. ;P

But it's all good.

Because as much as I L-O-V-E the sausage, I love my Wendy-Lady about a billion times more, hee-hee!!!



Anonymous said...

hey sweets!! im just getting ready for work. my phone should be ok later on i dont know wot the problem was with it tho i have no credit til later on hehe. i love u very very very very very very much.

hehe i promise the sausage jokes will not happen in public so dont u worry about everyone knowing ur a sausage muncher :P

love always and forever

gnomey xoxox

RayJay said...


I know a young woman who desperately needs a spanky! ;P

I love you, Hotty!!!

Ray Jay :D

<3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

hehe well yeah i do i suppose, but does that mean that i have to make fun of u just to get a good spanking???? i hope not :P

love u lots baby
