Sunday, February 25, 2007

Shave the Cat & Sell the Neighbors; I Gotta get Rich Quick!!!

OMG! I NEED to own a home so I can save THOUSANDS of dollars using the Direct Buy "system"!!!

Have you ever noticed that everything nowadays is "a system". I aired this one infomercial about ladder that could be stretched and folded and retracted and just generally tweaked into 80 or so different configurations. Only it wasn't a ladder... it was a LADDER SYSTEM!

If you buy a program off one of those informercials that helped you sell crappy trinkets online, you're actually buying a SALES SYSTEM. Or a program that tells you when to buy and sell stocks... it's a "wealth-building" SYSTEM. And you don't buy a book-and-cd set that tells you how to buy and sell real estate, you purchase a financial-betterment system! ANTI-AGING SKIN-CARE SYSTEMS!!! WTF is THAT about?!!

PLEASE tell me we're not this gullible! Please, I beg you, tell me that when you hear these "clever" manipulations of marketing language you are as annoyed and insulted as I am! Because if we're the people that MARKETING PEOPLE think we are, we are SO SUNK, lol!

I mean, I want to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year working only three hours a day from the comfort of my own home, but I refuse -- REFUSE -- to buy any of these "systems" because they are so astounding INSULTING of my intelligence!

Jerry Seinfeld has a joke about TV commercials for over-the-counter drugs. He describes the simplistic graphic representing a human being: A sillhouette in profile with eyes shut and mouth open, a cartoon tube leading from the mouth down to the abdomen where it opens into a large, open circle. "That's how phareceutical companies see us: eyes shut, mouths open." (Or words to that effect...) Seinfeld wasn't wrong, I think. Watch drug commercials NOW!!! "Does your leg sometimes move when you're asleep? Beg your doctor to write you a prescription for Zestril!"

And these "systems" always promise hundreds of thousands of dollars a year working only three hours a day from the comfort of my very own home. It doesn't matter if it's real estate, stock trading, bulding welath in the "cash flow bussiness" or the black market trading of un-baptised Third World babies. "Amazing wealth with minimal effort!"

If it really was that effective, would they really be paying for informercial time in the wee hours of the morning? Wouldn't they be selling this stuff in Walmart?

If they were REALLY effective, I don't think that wealthiest 2% would even allow the "systems" out there where we unwashed masses might dig our way out of our little ghetto holes.

Okay, I'm getting all political now... Never leads anywhere good, lol.

I'm going away now. I'm sure there's SOMETHING work-related I can be doing, lol.

Oh, and to my Goddess:

I miss you and LOVE YOU and CAN'T WAIT to hang with you later!!!

x o x o x o


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