Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Staying Home Sick

Sick days aren't fun. :(

You never have enough energy to enjoy anything.

You can't shoot zombies properly because you can't really focus too well, and your reflexes are shot. Racing around Springfield as Homer Simpson isn't that cool cos your always crashing into everything. And don't even TRY to be Laura Croft when your sick... All the jumping around will make you hurl, even if that's not one of your symptoms.

But, as usual, my baby can take even a sick day and give it something positive: I didn't get to see her last night and she was busy this morning, and she's going out of town Friday and won't be back until Sunday night -- meaning that I won't be able to see her until Monday!


However, if I'm not alseep when she wakes up (early: she has an extra long work day today so she can get Friday off for the trip with her parents) I may get to see her this morning, to help tide me over during our long absence this weekend.

So that's cool!

Achey skin... That's another thing that sucks about being sick. I normally never notice that I even HAVE skin. Until, that is, it begins to ache.


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