Monday, October 09, 2006


Last night (for me, it was around 8:00 am, before I went to sleep) I FINISHED THE FIRST PASS AT MY SCREENPLAY!!!

It was my baby, Wendy, who reminded me that I had actually finished it by the first deadline I set for myself, too!!! I originally planned to do it in 2 weeks, but when she busted out the numbers (and warned me that I would be denied my Gnomage on days that I didn't meet my page count, lol) I decided to give myself some leeway.

So even after my rewrite and my polish, I'll still be coming in a week ahead of schedule! (AND on or around my birthday! So YAY!)

I celibrated by getting nice and sloppy and watching Gorillaz videos at Kong Studios, then today I spent some 4 hours today shooting zombies in RESIDENT EVIL 4! :D I had forgotten how FUN that game is!!! I got it around the first of the year, enjoyed it tremendously, then sort of forgot about it because of SecondLife, lol.

I've also been playing RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA a lot more recently.

I love my horror worlds... Particularly when I'm not creating them... I seem to get a bit paranoid when I'm writing horror, lol. (I just tend to imagine scenarios in which something small goes wrong and results in something bad... Just out of the blue.)

It's cool: I am blissfully lacking in things to do right now, lol! My Gnomey will be waking up soon, but until then, I'm actually OFF WORK!

It's a wierd feeling, lol.

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