Monday, October 02, 2006

So Day Before Yesterday...

This is a Gnomey story... :D

Day before yesterday I wake up and Gnomey's not online yet...

If you read her blog you'll find she accused me of cheating at Poker, lol. What that was is I pulled a Straight against her Two Pair or something and won. And when I explained that I guess a Straight beats Two Pair (I'm never really sure unless I'm looking at a chart) she starts in on me for not having told her that, accusing me of deliberately not telling her.

I tried to explain that I didn't intentionally mislead her, but she was annoyed and wouldn't hear it. (She has this anoying habbit of talking over you when she's decided not to hear the rest of what you ahve to say, lol.) I tried to explain anyway, but she wasn't having it, so in the end I had to resort to making puppy dog eyes at her, and that worked. (It shouldn't have worked, lol, it's such a blantant manipulation, but it did work on her, bless her hear!)

So then a couple of nights ago -- which would probably be the day after the "cheating" incident -- I wake up and Gnomey's not online yet, so I Google Poker hands, and make a notecard for her listing all the Poker hands in descending value (Royal Straight Flush and the top and High Card at the bottom). When she came online I sent it to her and she thanked me sweetly. Yay! I made my baby happy! :D

She's also busy searching the Net for something specific, so I'm kind of hanging out with her, watching her... Then she's done and we're able to do our normal thing and forget about the world and get lost in each other for a few hours.

She chats with my via this headset with a mic that comes down off the left earpiec and wraps around her face.

She tied her hair back to get it out of her face while she's leaning over her laptop talking to me, then she pulls off her headset to off to resituate it on her gorgeous noggin, but the headseat won't come more than half a foot away from her hair! She's apparent;y tied her headset up in her hair!

Poor thing! But it was like watching Harpo Marx or Buster Keaton in their prime, lol!

She finally gets her hair and headset sorted out, and while she's putting the headset back on the mic pokes her in the eye!!!

Again, poor thing! Just having a horrible moment with her webchat equpment! But she's laughing about it in betwen the screams, and tho' I'm not one to enjoy other's people's pain in the slightest, it was really funny to watch her in this situation!

So she gets it back on and we start chatting, but then she screams again "My eye!" Apparently the pain has returned with full force!

It's not funny to me anymore. My baby is really hurting! She's laughing, but I suspect it might be to keep from crying.

"My eye," she repeats, then says, "It's my Poker eye!"


Maybe she wasn't laughing to keep from crying; maybe she genuinely continued to see humor in her situation, because that was one of the greatest comedic call-backs ever! Up there with Eddie Izzard and Lewis Black (and my friend Kelly: call-back genius)!

We haven't played Poker since that incident... But I kinda doubt it's because of the Poker Eye Massacre. It's still just as goreous and knowing as ever, a perfect match for her non-Poker eye.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the next time I suggest Poker she mentions her Poker eye injury, lol.

I love her SO MUCH!!! :D

Okay, I'm behind on my writing this week -- went to see HOLLYWOODLAND last night -- so I'd better get to it before my sweety wakes up in 4 hours or so. :D

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