Sunday, October 15, 2006

Buy Me A Pony :D

Hello again, Loved Ones, Friends and Bored Net-Surfers! :D

I'M 36 YEARS OLD TODAY! And for my birthday I want DUCKTALES: Volume 1 and and 30gb iPod w/Video and a one-way plane ticket from Hirtfordhire, UK to Texas, US and a life-size Yoda from Sharper Image.

That's all.

Oh, and a laptop.

You know what, just the plane ticket would be great!

Okay, so why did the Goth dude cross the road? 'Cause he was safety-pinned to The Chicken!!!

Get it?!!

I actually stole that joke from my friend Delano who made it in the '80s, only his original version was "Why did the Punk Rocker cross the road..."

The more things change, the more they stay the same, lol.


My Genius Friend Dave is gonna see Blue Man Group tongith!!! I'm SO EXCITED for him!!! I'd like to have gone, but what I'd really rather see them again at the Astor Palace in NYC!!! Their concerts rule, but their regular show IS SURREAL!!!

When I sell my first million-dollar script I want to take Brian and Gnomey and my daughter there to see them. (I know they have permanent installations in other cities, but they started in the Astor, so it's kinda groovy seeing them there... A sense of history, ya know?)

An hour and a half before I get off work! YAY!

I still haven't seen TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING. :( Brian saw it and said it was really, really wrong! (Which is a good thing, for a horror flick!) (Or a comedy, sometimes, heheh.)

Speaking of which,I think I'm ready to be done with my slasher flick because I'm really sort of in the mood to write a comedy script. I don't know why. All I want to watch right now is horror (natch), and I've been scaring myself silly playing RESIDENT EVIL 4, but I think I'd rather be being silly when I'm writing than scary.


I should probably get back to work.


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