Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Have The Cutest Girlfriend EVER :D

I've spent the last 2 nights writing a half-hour audio script. Since the early 1990s I've wanted to write and produce my own audioplays, and I've tried before -- even recording one actress's dialogue about 10 years ago for a poorly-written comedy that I never bothered finishing. Then a couple of years ago I wrote a horror story that I got to almost-good status, but then finally abandoned it when I realized the monster was fundamentally flawed (and therefore not scary).

BUT NOW...!!!

I was lacking something in my writing back then. I just wasn't able to create stories that were good enough. Even now I can't say exactly what the problems were. I just wasn't there yet.

But this story I'm gonna finish up tonight!!! I LIKE IT!!! For, like, the second time ever I've written something that I'm proud of!!!

And when Wendy woke up this morning nad IMed me I told her as much, and she said she's proud of all the stories I write, sweet thing!

I told her that if I thought I could make a living off it I'd ONLY write audioplays, then explained that the only way really to sell audio stories in the US (that I know of, anyway) is to publish by independant press -- such as the awesome Cafe Press and then sell on Amazon.com as well.

Which means that some people have to take a chance and buy this product they're not familiar with -- since I have $0.00 for an advertising budget -- and then tell their friends about it, and then the friends have to decide to take a chance and purchase it, and then tell their friends about it, and so on, until finally I've produced and sold enough cds/mp3s to finally pay my bills.

Which might be sometime in 2032 lol.

By which time I'll be well broke and Brian and I will be starved in a gutter somewhere.

Realistically, the only way to start up a line of audioplays is to have a robust career in place that allows the time and money to do these as a side project.

But I don't like my feature-length screenplay as much as my half-hour audioplay. :( I have confidence in the short form, but not so much in the long form.

Whatever. I'll get better.

Anyway, Wendy has a marketing plan for the audioplays, though, lol.

But to understand it, I have to go back:

Kelly's coming in from L.A. to spend Halloween with us (Tommy, Brian and me). First of all YAY!!! And when Gnomey woke up, one of her first questions was...

GNOMEY: so wot u boys doing this halloween
GNOMEY: u going trick or treating
RAY JAY: lol
RAY JAY: Double-feature at the Alamo Drafthouse
GNOMEY: but still u can trick or treat alittle
RAY JAY: heheh
RAY JAY: Um... We may skip it this year, lol
GNOMEY: but but but
GNOMEY: u wont get no candy


RAY JAY: lol, that's true
RAY JAY: But we're old enough, we can buy candy
GNOMEY: but but still
GNOMEY: its not the same
GNOMEY: u should go and steal other kids candy
GNOMEY: like beat them up
GNOMEY: and steal
RAY JAY: You're not a good influence, young lady

GNOMEY: i dont care i want candy stolen from little kids dressed up

RAY JAY: That url is the first movie in the double-feature we're attending. The second movie is HALLOWEEN 4, which I saw in the cinema in high school when it came out
GNOMEY: cool
RAY JAY: I have to take you to the Drafthouse sometime when you're in Austin! It's really groovy
GNOMEY: yay cant wait
GNOMEY: they got candy and kids dressed up
RAY JAY: Um... Maybe...
GNOMEY: good good

Then I told her about how excited I was about the story I was writing and explained the difficulty in making a living off selling audio stories, to which she replied...

GNOMEY: well why dont u go steal some candy from kids dressed up and force them to buy ur audio stuff
RAY JAY: lol
RAY JAY: Um... That's maybe not the best way to build a clientelle, sweety
GNOMEY: ok well we wont force them to buy it we will just threaten them
RAY JAY: lol
RAY JAY: I'll talk to my Marketing people and get back to you on that strategy, heehee
RAY JAY: You very likely won't be in charge of my Public Relations, sweetheart... No offense
GNOMEY: yeah
GNOMEY: but but but im good with people
GNOMEY: i could really get people to buy ur stuff tho
GNOMEY: i could kick them in the leg when they dont

She just couldn't be MORE adorable if she were TRYING!!! And this is her when she's just woken up, too, lol!

That's my baby!

Anyway, she had me rolling this morning, so I wanted to share. :D

Time to eat pizza and then finish up my opus!!! YAY!

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