Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hope You Had A Good Friday the 13th

I started my Friday the 13th by coming home from work, cracking a few beers and watching the FRIDAY THE 13TH and FRIDAY THE 13TH: PART 2.

Good fun!

...then I woke up to a tapping on my door and my brother asking "You supposed to go to work tonight?"

It was 7:01 pm, and I had over-slept my alarm.

Actually, I believe it's just as likely that I woke up (sort of), turned off my alarm, told myself I needed to get up immediately, then woke up to the tapping on my door and my brother's concerned query.

And things got worse from there.

Work was A NIGHTMARE... for the first 4 hours.

But then things leveled out, and by the half-way point of my shift (about an hour after Friday the 13th became Saturday the 14th) things started falling into place nicely. :)

Then when I woke up this evening...

Okay, there was one negative: My baby's not online. I actually woke up in time to see her (usually, as per our Former Groove, before stuff started getting weird for her and her family) but she's apparently gone to sleep already, or just busy taking care of stuff.

Which is fine. Every time we interact, even if for only a moment, she makes sure I feel loved and feel important to her. I carry around this constant, never-ceasing feeling of being loved. She loves me good and it's with me always! :D

But the real reason I wish she were online is so I could tell her how much I love HER!!! Right now I've got this daily -- sometimes hourly -- influx of wonderful things in my life, these divine gifts that make me glad for every aspect of my life and lifestyle, and I run around so happy that I want to lavish Wendy with my happiness, hopefully blanket her with as much love as she shows me!!! <3 <3 <3 (Those are little text hearts, lol. I know they don't publish as such in this font, but I can't be bothered to mess with the fonts anymore, lol.)

If you're reading this: I LOVE YOU, MY GNOMEY GODDESS!!! x o x o x o And THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU, BABY!!!

So that's the only "negative" so far (though not really much of a surprise; sadly, my baby has been taking care of so many things and so many people), and my day if off to an AMAZING start!

First, just as I'm about to turn on the oven -- I've decided that after the bleeder of a day I had yesterday, I'm gonna start today off right with tasty, tasty food -- to cook me a breakfast pizza (that is pizza eaten when I first wake up, not, like, pizza with eggs and stuff on it, lol) Brian asks me if he can buy me anything from Sonic! I'm all "Hell yeah!"

THEN... Something mind-bogglingly bad-ass happens.

Okay, I've been obsessing a bit over the fact that I spent $45.00 for a region-free dvd player, and didn't get one. Well last night, AFTER 1:00 am (hee-hee) I had a conversation that got me thinking.

So I wake up this morning (well, you know, afternoon) and I go online and start reading about dvd region encoding. Is it possible to modify your own player to be a Region 0 player?

Knowledge, my friends, is power!!!

It didn't take my research at all to find a page called You can type in your dvd player's make and find a hack to alter the region of you dvd player!!!

NOW, the new dvd player I just bought AND my portable dvd player (which I use to watch movies in my room, mostly) BOTH are region-free!!!

I can watched SPACED in any room in my apartment!!! :D


And last night (this morning, after work) I stoped at the grocery store to have food for the weekend, and in the magazine section they were selling BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, ISSUE #1!!!

If you're a Buffy fan, you have probably heard about this. Joss Whedon is writing the first several issues of a new Dark Horse BUFFY comic. It is the OFFICIAL continuation of the TV series! It is canon! Most people refer to it as "Season 8".

Before going to sleep I read it AND IT FRIGGIN' ROCKS!!!

Seriously, Joss Whedon wastes no time blowing your mind! When I first heard about season 8 I wondered "Where on Earth could Joss go with these characters?"

And now I know that he has WONDERFUL places for them to go, hehe!!!

Seriously, within a few pages you'll be going "OMG!!!"

I haven't had THAT much fun reading a comic book since the first black-and-white issues of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES or THE TICK!!! It's a GOOD BOOK!!!

Okay, Brian's home with food, and I need to eat and get ready for work.





Before work, I got to watch approximately 2 1/2 episodes of SPACED with Brian!!! And when I left him , he was laughing his ass off at the second-to-last episode of the first series.

Life is good! :D

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