Monday, April 30, 2007


Just finished watching the 3rd episode of the new-and-already-doomed Fox show DRIVE.

It took 3 episodes for me to actually fall in love with it, but I have!

GOOD show!

Only 4 episodes have aired, and the last 2 will air this summer, according to the official website.

I don't know what it is, maybe it's growing up in the '80s with all those Sylvester Stallone flix, but I'm a sucker for an underdog story. Tell me about a quality show that got shit-canned by the network before it had a chance to really blossom and I'm a fan!

And Fox is fantastic Bad Guy in these types of stories, because they are notorious for shit-canning great shows! I mean, FAMILY GUY had to make millions on dvd and reruns before Fox finally desided to give the show another shot! (What idiots!)

And don't even get me started on FIREFLY.

Actually, DRIVE bears more than a passing comparison to FIREFLY: It has the same showrunner and the same star, Tim Minear and Nathan Fillion, respectively.

So if you're a sucker for underdog stories like me, you still have time to catch up on the 4 episodes that air and be ready to watch the last 2 this summer. Check out DRIVE's MySpace page to watch all 4 episodes. It's totally worth your time!!!

And like I said, I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, but it was Episode 3, "Let the Games Begin", that made me fall in love with it!

Oh and, the episodes are in order from last episode aired -- top -- to the first episode -- bottom -- so here's the order you want to watch them in:

1. "The Starting Line"
2. "Partners"
3. "Let the Games Begin"
4. "No Turning Back"

Another option is iTunes. You can currently buy all 4 episodes for $7.96. That's the exact price you would pay to buy all 4 individually at $1.99.

I would do that, but I don't have any money at the moment. Besides, I figure after the final 2 episodes air in a couple of months I'll just buy all 6. I doubt the iTunes episodes will go away, but there is a possibility the free ones will.

So if you have ANY possible interest in watching Nathan Fillion haul-ass around America trying to win a secret, illegal street race in order to save his abducted wife, go check out the first 4 episodes now!

Btw, did I ever mention that I met Nathan Fillion?

Well, not MET met him, but I saw him all up close. At the Screenwriting Expo. He was with Joss Whedon.

Yeah, I'm sure I mentioned it.

He's an inch or two taller than I am. :)

Okay, go watch some fun TV! OH! And the video quality is REALLY GREAT!!! If your computer and Net setup can handle video well, you'll really enjoy it! (I recommend bad-ass speakers, too, with bass! It enhances the viewing experience!) (I'm so lucky my brother/roommate is a geek!)


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