Sunday, April 08, 2007

Attention Earth Enities...

Fellow carbon-based simians, I -- a normal blogger whose language you have ingested visually before and therefore you know that I am one of you and not an observer from elsewhere -- possess the need to transcribe the results of recent synaptic activities within my spherical cranium.

How about this weather we are experiencing?

What it do?


I derive pleasurable stimulation from ingesting web pages with my visual sensory orbs.

My peeps.

I have an emotionally provocative suggestion for an activity which will undoubtedly prove to be both fulfilling and enjoyable... We should all slather our flesh with butter and garlic and stand, naked, outside our domiciles simultaneously and noon tomorrow!

It is unimportant which time zone we live in as the time difference will conveniently provide a traditional 25-course... pleasure sensation.

For us.

The carbon monkeys.

Not for anyone else.

Anywhere else.


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