Saturday, November 25, 2006

Groovy Thanksgiving

It's the last 3 hours of my FriSat shift and I have a couple of minutes to blog.

I had a cool Thanksgiving.

Woke up to some Gnomey love, which is ALWAYS a good thing! I was pretty groggy tho, so I don't really remember much about the conversation, lol. (And I KNOW I looked like garbage, lol!)

Then the family get-together; good meal & lots of laughing.

Then for about half an hour before work I got to play some DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 and get us a little further along!

Work was surprisingly BUSY. I mean... Not hectic, but just not as dead as I had hoped.

For that matter, tonight's had me running around a little, too.

Maybe tomorrow will be cake.

Apparently Brian got us up a level or two in DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 and now WE'RE BLOWIN' UP ENGLAND!!! :D I haven't played it yet, but it'll be fun to hear the random comments the characters in the world make, lol!

Oh! And I didn't get to watch my Thanksgiving movie, like I do EVERY year on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, but I did get to watch the latest episode of STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP... which was really, REALLY good!!!

Ooh, and there was cake here at work tonight, lol! The GOOD kind with the REALLY SWEET icing!!!

That's a bonus.

This is kind of a random blog entry, but I'm really just touching base.

I should get back to work before it starts piling up.


(And to my Gnomey Goddess, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY!!! :D I'm dancing for you as I type this!!!)

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