Friday, June 30, 2006

Summer Vacation: Day 7



Have a busy SL schedule that keeps you running from one project to another, one event to another, and doesn't allow time for you and your Better Half?

Or maybe your schedule doesn't mesh as well as you would want with your Online Other's.

Date Night is the answer!!!

My SL gf and I have been missing each other quite a lot lately, so for the past week or so we've been looking for the most opportune day for a date.


We started around 4:00 pm today (about the time I woke up and got online) and it wasn't over until just before midnight! :) We checked out an in-world art museum, went to a place called The Exploritoreum -- apparently constructed to commemorate some significant luna elipse, with elaborate and quite breath-taking displays! -- and did other stuff :)


The next time I have a girlfriend I'm DEFINITELY instituting a date Night!!! It's just too easy to miss people in your life, and after a while that just becomes the norm -- you're coming, she's going. And then after a year you're wondering where all the love has gone! And why you haven't had sex for a year! lol

So I've had a GROOVY day!!! I can't afford to go on dates in RL... even if I HAD a girlfriend! So I just ENJOYED THE HELL out of TODAY!!!

Best date I've ever been on. EVER. (And I've been on some pretty amazing dates before today, too!)

I also got to catch up on an anime series I own called ELFEN LIED. I bought it many, many months ago, but haven't had the time to watch it.


And Brian and I cooked up some salmon steaks, shrimp scampy, mashed potatoes and garlic bread! So I ate like a king today, too!!!

Now I'm trying to decide which of 2 Chinese horror flicks I want to watch tonight: THE EYE 2 or A TALE OF TWO SISTER. THE EYE 2 is -- obviously -- a sequel, which in America would mean it's less likely to be good... However... Asian filmmakers seem to take as much care with their sequels as with the original. (At least, in the films I've seen... which are, admitedly, few.) So THE EYE 2 can't be ruled out immediately.

Then there are a couple of classics I'd like to rewatch before my vacation is over: ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and ESCAPE FROM L.A.. Don't scoff. You've got YOUR guilty pleasures, too!

And I'm curious about GARFIELD: THE MOVIE. I've got it from netflix and Brian didn't hate it, so I'm curious. Actually, I got it because I was curious: The sequel is in theatres now. IN THEATRES. I knew they were making a sequel, but I figured it would be straight-to-dvd... And probably animated. But they got Brekin Meye (sp?), Jennifer Love Hewit and Bill Murray back, so it can't suck too bad. Also, the fact that they made a theatrical sequel suggests that the first one wasn't necessarily bad. (I know, I know, you're gonna point out that there's a third THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS playing now. But I read the Garfield comic strips -- and comic strip collections -- religiously between the ages of, like 10 and 13... So I have a soft spot for the character.)

I still have some OTR to listen to, too, but I watch movies less frequently than I listen to OTR, so I may just follow the mood and pop in a flick :)

AND TOMORROW IS SATURDAY!!! I've enjoyed today as though it were Saturday... It's FELT like a Saturday! BUT IT WASN'T! :)

Okay, so I'm off for now. Hope you enjoy your weekend!!!

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