Thursday, June 01, 2006

Squeezing Blood from a PS2

This morning I completed the 4th level of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: CHAOS BLEEDS!!! The 4th of 12!

I'm kinda kickin' ass :)

That means I conquered "Magic Box", "Cemetery", "Blood Factory" and "Magic Box Revisited". Next I'm going to be tackling "Downtown Sunnydale".

I friggin' LOVE this game!!! Somehow it's like being IN the show AND it's like watching a Summer Blockbuster version of the show.

Don't aks me how that makes sense, it just does.

It's DEFINITELY summer, though, because I'm SO jonesin' to play videogames.

Not SL... That really doesn't feel like a videogame to me. that's hanging out with cool people and building stuff. The videogame "feel" is fast and exciting and makes my palms sweat. SL sometimes makes my palms sweat, but for a VERY DIFFERENT reason ;)

Okay, I'm at wor and I should probably get back to it. Just wanted to share my ecstacy with you! yesterday before work I completed the 3rd level and today I completed the 4th. I'm on a roll, baby!!!


Anonymous said...

It's good to see you are taking a break from SL.

RayJay said...

Oh, don't get me wrong... I'm spending just as much time in-world... I'm just trying to find things OTHER than SL to blog about. lol