Saturday, July 30, 2005

Too Busy For YOU!




I need a friggin' BREAK!!! I feel like I've been working NON-STOP for a week now!



Sorry. It's Friday, and this is my busiest day, plus I'm coming in not only tomorrow, but NEXT SATURDAY also! And I've been working straight from 5p to 2a -- that's 9 straight hours -- and I'm just wiped-the-fuck-OUT!

I'd probably feel less stressed if I didn't have to come in tomorrow.

But blah. I need the money, so it'll all be worth it in 2 weeks.

Oh, also my check this pay period is NADA! It's enough to pay the rent and put gas in the car, and I guess I'm feelin' a little stressed about that, too. Things have been working out financially for the past few months, and I've been able to even go out to see some flicks in the theater. But this check is just NADA.

Whatever, I'm just whining! Life is actually quite groovy! I'm not complaining because stuff is bad, I'm just blowing off steam because I've been working like a madman and I'm still coming down off the rush.


Anyway, sorry this entry is crap, but I figured it would be better than continued silence. Hope to write something interesting maybe Monday.

Hope your weekend is DIVINE!!!

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