Saturday, July 30, 2005

Let's Try This Again

I'm at home now, and feeling CONSIDERABLY less stressed.

On the drive home I got to listen to the soundtrack to Twilight Zone: The Movie. It's a really great score. Particularly the "Kick the Can" (Spielberg's) section.

I've been jonesing for Twilight Zone for a while now. I'm just obsessed with it! I've been listening to the Twilight Zone Radio Dramas, of which I own 32 of the cds that they sell on their site. I've watched the first 2 discs of the 2002-2003 UPN version of the show, hosted by Forest Whitaker. I got a copy of Twilight Zone: The Movie and have watched is a couple of times. And just today I got the soundtrack cd from They apparently found a version manufactured in Germany, so it's technically an import -- though I can't find any difference at all, the words are all in English and the content seems to be exactly the same as the vinyl version I woned growing up -- but I believe it's completely out of print here in the States.

So anyway, the drive home allowed me to relax quite a bit.

I didn't realize how NOISY it's been in my head lately. Since I'm spending so much time just doing what needs to be done, most of my recreation takes place inside my skull. In fact right now, if you saw me writing this, you'd see a painfully good-looking dude chilling in his room with his feet kicked up on his bed, smoking an d tapping on his keyboard. But in my head I'm reassuring myself that yes, I do remember dropping off the rent just 5 minutes ago, wondering what I'm going to eat at work tomorrow (can I be bothered in the morning to make some spaghetti & meatballs to take with me or just chow on the nukeable pizzas I already have there?), trying to decide whether I want to play some Tomb Raider before I go to bed or maybe watching a movie would be more relaxing, and reminding myself to email an old script I finished but abandoned to my friend Nicole.

Oh, and I just remembered that my coworker, Lothar, loaned me a copy of this SERENITY bonus dvd that he got when he bought Season One of the new Battlestar Galactica. I'll be watching THAT for sure!

The point is just that it's wierd to me when I notice these moments (days, sometimes) when my life is lived primarily in my head. It's odd.

I think a lack of significant human contact -- friends and loved ones, as opposed to coworkers and acquaintences -- can do odd things to us. And it always feels surreal to realize that the majority of the activity I remember is just thoughts, buzzing around my cranium.

You know?


Okay, I think I'll relocate to the living room couch and catch a sneak peak of some of the wonderous joy Joss Whedon has in store for us come September.


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