Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Night Of Horror And The Supernatural...

...and a bit of Comedy!!!

I started out my day with a meeting at work. (That is the day job, the station. I WISH I could have started today off with a meeting with Tommy and Brian!) Then I dilligently sat down and read Chapter 3 of --------.

Took me 2 hours.

This is the type of reading that should have taken me half an hour, but it took me 4-times that long!


Anyway, more good notes and an epiphany for our adaptation, so I'd say it was worth it.

I had planned to read 2 or 3 more chapters (and hoped to read, like, 9!), but after that 2 straight hours, I decided to take a break.

That break spanned 4 movies.


But the groovy news (for ME) is that I got to re-watch TWILIGHT ZONE: THE MOVIE, which I have seen in forever, and which I've been jonesing to see for a while now. Brian joined me. And then we moved on to HIDE AND SEEK, which I FINALLY saw!!! I've been dying to see that since BEFORE it was released in theaters!!! Then I decided to swicth over to comedy for a bit with MAN OF THE HOUSE, shot here in Austin! That was fun! And then Brian crashed out on me as I popped in WHITE NOISE for my second viewing. (First on dvd; I got to see that one in the theaters thanks to my sweet, sweet friend Lisa!)

Not a bad day off for me! At first I thought it was going to be fairly painful, since I had to go into work at my normal time (even though I only had to stay an hour). But then, any day that allows me to watch 4 movies (2 of which I hadn't seen before and wanted to) is A REALLY GREAT DAY!!!

OOH! PLUS I woke up this morning to "The Lineman", and episode of UPN's 2002-2003 THE TWILIGHT ZONE series! (Hadn't seen that one before, either!)

So, like a said, a pretty great day!!!

Also, I notice something troubling... I'm in a busy phase of my life right now. (That's not the troubling bit.) And these are the times of my life when I'm doing the most interesting things! (Again, not the troubling bit.) But these are also the times in my life when I have the least time or energy to blog. (That's it.)

I have no idea how Kevin Smith pulls it off!

I mean, the longest stretches of silence in my personal journal are the coolest stretches of my life! For the most part, I only make journal entries when nothing else is going on, and I have plenty of time to start feeling all blue and whiny.

However, I never felt any real sense of obligation to my personal journal. That's just for me. I DO feel some degree of responsibility toward this blog. The reality is that only a handful of people are reading this every once in a while, and they all know me and therefore have some idea of what's going on in my life anyway. But I write these entries as though I actually have a readership, in hopes that maybe one day I will. So I'll try to remember to make the time to make even the simplest entries on a fairly regular basis.

Besides, it's just good practice to always find the time for me to write. Even if I am just blathering on about my day. Writers write. It's whay they call them writers. And I'm not a pro, and writing isn't the ONLY thing I do, but it is something I do. So I should... you know... keep doing it.

No promises about the spelling, though. Sorry. This current Internet setup of mine makes editing a bit more time-consuming than it was when I could blog on my own computer.


Anyway, cool day! Hope yours didn't suck!

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