Sunday, July 31, 2005

So Here's What's Fun In My Life

Yesterday started off with a bang for me when I tentatively tried to talk Brian into going to this years Creative Screenwriting Expo 4 with me and Kel -- offering to buy the tickets if he can save some food money -- AND HE WAS INTO IT!!!

A lot of times Brian seems have this inexplicable sense of obligation to his job -- inexplicable because they treat him like crap, despite the fact that he's a friggin' WORKHORSE -- and in the past he's passed up fun time because he knows it's going to inconvenince his employers. (This is a cat that -- as a kid -- skipped school on a regular basis to skate, mind you.)

But he agreed!

So my day started off GREAT!!!

But I had to work yesterday...

Which didn't suck. I mean, it was long and boring, and I don't have any coffee at work so I had to tough it out without any back-up stamina to assist.

I aired this really bad movie starring a very young Brad Pit called The Dark Side of the Sun. Really bad.

But then I aired an episode of the 2002-2003 The Twilight Zone (the series I've been rocking on dvd so much lately), so that was groovy.

AND I read another chapter of --------! 4 more to go!

Since I got there ar 3:00 pm, my 10-hour shift was up at 1:00 am -- rather than the usual 2a.

Tommy and his family are out of town for the weekend, so I cruised to his pad to check on the aminals(sic). I took this sort-of back way that Tommy takes to work and home, that's more Dark-And-Open-Road-y and less Lighted-With-Clearly-Marked-Indications-Of-Where-You-Are-y. But I had a sense that, even as long as it's been since I traveled this path, I could sort of feel my way along it.

Meantime, Brian and I once spent a week at Tommy's, house-sitting, and it took me many, many days before I was brave enough to try this route at night, and I managed to waste a quarter of a tank of gas getting way-lost and finding my way back.

And to really make the atmosphere creepy, I was listening to Michael Crichton's SPHERE on cd (it's abridged, but it's read by the uber-vocally-gifted Edward Asner and it's REALLY well produced!) about a team of scientists going down to live in an Navy underwater habitat to investigate an alien craft that has been discovered to have crashed into our ocean some 300 years ago. And it's Crichton, so it's scary in a really, really smart way!

And you know what? I found the path just fine! I have this thing I do when traveling long distances by car, and alone, in which I freak myself out every 10 or 15 miles by questioning whether or not I've missed an important turn or landmark. And I had to quash that a few times, but I did find the Not-Lighted-And-Lacking-In-Clearly-Marked-Indications-Of-Where-I-Am path without any problem.

When I got there, the puppies -- Matty and Penny, who aren't so much puppies any more, but their SO CUTE that I can't help but think of them as such -- were in desperate need of some love, so I loved on 'em! And they both needed water. (Well, they didn't NEED water, but 2 out of the 3 water dishes Tommy had laid out for them were dry.) And I went ahead and refilled 2 out of 3 of their food bowls -- which weren't empty, but just getting ther -- for good measure.

The kitty -- I can't rememebr her name; it's either Bo or Tie, I think, but I can't remember which -- was out of both food and water, so I cleaned out her dishes (she's an out-door cat and those bastard ants were just all up in that!) and replenished her grub.

I even remembered to grab Tommy's mail this time!!! (YAY, Ray Jay!!!) He didn't have anything interesting, so I threw it all away. (jk)

I got back home around 4a, Mr. Asner reading to me for the whole trip, and listened to a little bit more of SPHERE. Then I remembered that my latest issue of Creative Screenwriting magazine has a preliminary schedule for the Expo 4, so I spent a few hours parsing the events and creating my own agnenda for the expo. (Brian and Kelly will be there, so they'll have their own ideas about what will be cool, natch; plus there are always changes when it actually gets down to expo time.)

Then I crawled into bed and fell asleep to the Superman radio show -- a storyline called "Drought in Freeville" that ran from January 21, 1947 to February 11, 1947.

This morning I woke up to some more of Kevin Smith's blog, and Brian and I are just chillin' until time to hook up with Mom for dinner.

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