Thursday, July 30, 2009

TSPI Meeting Tonight...

This wasn't my original plan, but I totally disconnected this weekend!

It was nice. :)

I just sort of turned off and tuned out all weekend long, lol.

Brian & I watched Knowing with Nicholas Cage, Dracula A.D. 1972, Shaft (the Samuel L. Jackson version) and drank too much, lol. ;P Brian bought us pizza, and I got to try out Domino's Brooklyn-style crust! AWESOME!!! :D

I sobered-up yesterday (Tuesday), but I slept most of the day, listening to paranormal podcasts when I was conscious.

Then I wake up today (Wednesday) to discover that we have a meeting tonight!!! :O

I woke up around 5:00pm and the meeting was at 7:00pm. And it's in this little cove in Round Rock... Near because it's in Round Round (and I'm a North Austinite), far because when I asked where it was it went "ummm..., well..., hmph..." It gave me some directions... but... I finally had to call the host of our meeting to guide me into port, lol.

Texas Spirits, I have to say, is rockin'!!! We received A LOT of positive feedback about out recent Yorktown venture -- and we have a badass investigation of the Hanging Tree of Kyle coming up! -- and still our leaders, Paula and Stephanie, keep refining the formula, strengthening the recipe to make the absolute most out of all the resources we have (namely us, the members)! :)

So it was a really inspiring meeting! :)

And driving back, I realized I hadn't eaten since I had awakened, so I stopped for some Sonic on the way home.


Allow me to paint the picture:

It's a hot, Austin summer night...

I'm in my car, listening to last week's episode of Spooky Southcoast... (I have already listened to this week's, but somehow, I missed last week's episode.)

And I'm sitting in the open air, looking at trees and brush, chomping on a tasty-ass burger and tots!!!

Michael Jackson comes over the speakers, and I'm quite surprised to discover that his music is kind of timeless, in that it doesn't date iteslf, and therefor can be played nowadays without sounding "old"...

This was a moment of sheer bliss! :D

Like receiving an email from my Gnomey-Goddess... This was heaven! :D

Then I get home to Brian and we watch some Transformers (the Bay flick, not the animated '80s show, lol) and life is good! :)

From waking up and scrambling to get to a TSPI meeting until now, I SO LOVE MY LIFE!!! :D I am truly Blessed!

I hope that in the coming days, YOU feel Blessed, too!!!


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