Monday, July 20, 2009


Ever wonder exactly how a song gets recorded?

I've read enough that I have some idea, but it's AMAZING to actually watch it take shape! :D

Plus, this is a monumental song that's being recorded!

The Recording of Bury Me Alive - We Are The Fallen

When all is said and done, I'm really a filmmaker at heart. I've helped produce enough short films (and failed to produce enough screenplays/novels, lol) in the '90s to know that what I love about making movies is ALL of it! :D I enjoy writing, but I LOVE CO-writing! And I spent my teens acting, but what I LOVE is just ALL OF IT! I love polishing the script (or helping to polish it), casting, getting gear and props and whatnot together, blocking, shooting, wrap parties, editing, editing for sound, and screening. It's ALL great fun!

So to see how a song comes together is really, really cool! :D

I've read enough to have a pretty cool idea. But that's not the same as actually being able to watch it happen.

AND... If you don't know anything about We Are The Fallen, it is quite a privilege to be able to watch this particular song take shape! The band would probably curse me for saying this, but "Bury Me Alive" is going to be Evanescence's "Wake Me Up", I suspect. It's like Ben Moody recognized lightening striking a second time, and he realized that fans and future fans of his work might actually enjoy watching the clouds light up, the air ionizing and the electrical charges from the ground and the clouds joining to ignite the sky! :D

Isn't it astouding, though, to watch the pieces coming together to form this immaculate whole?!!

As I kid I watched -- and re-watched and re-watched and re-watched and re-watched -- the Making-Of features on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Arc just over and over and over, marveling at how hours of filming produced shots of Harrison Ford on the grill of the Nazi truck, hanging and starting to go under, then the stuntman goes under and pops out the back, then Ford drags behind the truck and pulls himself, hand-over-hand toward the truck, and so on, until Spielberg and Lucas have 115 minutes of Action/Adventure CLASSIC for us to watch!

I recently produced a 30-second audio joke -- which is in the wrong bitrate to be able to post for free, or else I would already have it up for you to listen to, lol -- that gave me that old shot of Creator's Pride. I wrote the short script, recorded the main dialogue, got Brian to fill out the rest of the dialogue (there are several different background voices with single lines in the piece) when he was available, recordered the handful of sound effects, then cut it all together into a tight, nigh-perfect (lol, I'm not worried about "modest" at the moment, lol) piece of audio humor. Like I said, the whole endeavor took maybe 2 days to produce and last a whopping half-a-minute, and after I had finished I wondered if, perhaps, I had an idea what it was like to produce a song.

Turns out, I do know what it's like to produce a song... and I also SO DON'T, lol. ;P

I mean, if some no-name musician had tons of demos to record and needed someone who could, technically, turn those demos into something that could be sold on iTunes, I could do that. But watching We Are The Fallen work, I'm guessing it would take me twice as long to achieve 3 quarters of the result, lol.

I frakkin' love watching creatives apply their craft! I'm a bit of a nerd that way! :D

I only discovered this amazing featurette because I follow Kris Williams' Twitter posts, bless her! :) If you're on Twitter, you should totally follow her! That's one badass chick! She looks like a model, she's as funny and smart as your best friend, and stick her in a haunted prison and she's running toward whatever is making all the men in the room run away, lol! (Although, she's a member of TAPS, so the men she hangs with don't really run from spooky stuff, lol.)


...I didn't expect this entry to go on quite this long, lol. I just wanted to pop on and share this awesome video with you. It appears that my freedom from responsibility has made me a bit verbose, lol. ;)

Hope your weekend served you well, and your work week is filled with blessed surprises that make you laugh and smile!


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