Wednesday, July 15, 2009



AND -- more importantly -- I came up with some fascinating audio! :) I don't know if any of it will help the clients. First my peers need to review what I think I have, then they'll present any of it to the clients, etc.

Still, there were a couple of times where I'm listening, and quite frankly bored, and I got freaked out! :D

I got started late today.

I woke up to a WONDERFUL email from my Gnomey Goddess!!! Bless her! I've been emailing her my thoughts on songs and novels and movies and stuff, and she's a deep thinker, too, so she didn't tell me to take a pill and settle-the-fuck-down, lol. She and her mom have been at St. Albans -- a place I know nothing about right now, but will be learning about soon! :)

My girlfriend is SO AMAZING!!! I just can't describe her! She's just so cool! I SO don't deserve her, but I'm so thankful I have her and I am SO NOT EVER going to give her up!!! DUDE!!!

She is THE BEST way to start off anyone's day!!! :D ♥ ♥ ♥


Okay, back to what I was saying, lol...

Oh, "started late" is sort of relative... These past couple of weeks, my sleep schedule has flipped -- for no reason I can imagine. So I've been sleeping at night and awake during the day. So I woke up during the morning.


I got a call from the guy who embroiders our shirts. We have Dickies and we have these polo-type shirts. When you join, you have to have to get the Dickies shirt first. That's the official official shirt. It looks nice, very official. VERY cool, really!

Cool as in "groovy" not cool as in "you can wear it during an Austin summer without sweating off 5 pounds."

This being an Austin summer, and me being tired of shedding pounds through the Dehydration Diet, I ordered one of the polo shirts as soon as I found myself with a little extra money.

The estimated time of arrival was Friday (which would be an awkward pick-up for me since I'm asleep during Business Hours) but I got a call this morning that i could pick up the shirt after 1:00pm.

So I did!

I can't wait until our next investigation. I look forward to NOT appearing beet-red and shiny in any photos I might show up in.

Since I was out-and-about, i decided to see if I could catch a showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! DUDE! OPENING DAY!!! How cool would THAT be?!!

This would only be my 2nd Potter flick to catch on the Big Screen! (The first 3 I saw when they came out on DVD, and Goblet of Fire kinda doesn't count because I saw it at the Lakeline and the audio was distractingly bad.)

So I bombed around the shopping center by me...

...and ran into Mike and Stephanie! :D They were shocked to see me out in the sunlight, and I was just shocked to happen into 2 of my favoritest people ever!!! :D (Stephanie is a badass babe who akes Texas Spirits hum like the string of a finely-tuned Stradivarius and Mike is a fellow Trekkie/sci-fi nerd! AWESOME folks!!!)

I also discovered a BADASS geek-toy store! I had no idea I had a Mecca of Sci-Fi/Comic Book collectible toys so near me!

I started looking for food too late to enjoy a Rockin' Tomato buffet -- :( -- so I settled for Churches Chicken. We advertise it continuously at the station, I enjoy fried chicken parts, so why not, right?

Churches Chicken's ad campaign is "I know what good is."

I don't think they should, legally, be allowed to use that as their their tagline.

They could honestly advertise "I know what scalding is."

I wouldn't actually call it good. I've had so much better, even when we're simply talking about (relatively) cheap fast-food chicken.

Anyway, I finished eating -- very slowly, but I still have burtn spots throughout my mouth -- and checked the theater to buy an early ticket for Potter...

...and every showing was sold out.

Well, it would have been cool.

But I took this as my cue to go home and continue reviewing evidence.

But before I did... I played some of my MySpace and Facebook games.

I've recently discovered a game that calls itself Ghost Hunter. But I don't know...

Okay, the first mission you do is search for spirits in your local church. Believe it or not, there's not just tons of paranormal activity that gets reported in churches. Usually, odd things in churches get reported as miracles.

But anyway, then you progress to your second mission: "You got a call to a local bar, owner says 2 ghosts are hunting his bar. He tells you about a murder of two people in the back office."

Um... I don't believe any paranormal organization has ever been called to investigate reports of ghosts hunting a location.

Brian points out that perhaps they game makers meant to write "haunting".

That would make more sense.

But the most perplexing aspect of this game is the section called the "Battlefield". Apparently, here you can battle fellow paranormal investigators!


The "Battlefield" is divided into 2 sections: "Battlefield" and "Get Revenge"?!!

I don't believe the game creators really understand much about paranormal investigation.

I would be wary of any evidence they obtained through their methodologies.


Drinkin' time's awastin'! I've got 5 movies from Netflix that I'm dyin' to see, and I have to do my laundry before Hazmat clears out my closet!



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