Friday, May 04, 2007

BRING It! Bring On The WEEKEND!!!

Yesterday was YUCK! hehehe

It started off cool enough... Brian and I watched ROCKY BALBOA. I had already seen it & loved it, but last night was Brian's first time, and it was really cool that he enjoyed it as much as I did.

But then I got to work and everything was just FUBAR, lol. (Wel,, not "ALL recognition", but, you know... It was pretty bad.) One of the networked computers at the TV station got A VIRUS!

A VIRUS! At a TV station!

We lost a server and had to replace it with another server that we actually use quite a lot... Just severely annoying.

I think I got through it all right, though... Didn't exacerbate the problem or anything, so that's good.

And My Baby says she either has or will soon have some Net issues worked out, so hopefully I'll get some more Gnomey Time soon, hee-hee. :D


SPIDER-MAN 3!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, SPIDER-MAN 3 IS IN THEATERS NOW!!!


I got paid this morning, so I set aside some cash just for getting into SPIDER-MAN 3 and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN AT WORLD'S END for Brian and me ('cause, you know, I have no idea if I'll have the POTC money by the end of the month if I don't set it aside now) so sometimes before my weekend is iover Brian and I will, hopefuly, see S-M3!!!

(Wish I could see it with my Gnomage :( But I'm sure that will happen soon enough. <3 )

Plus, I'm having some luck with a creative endeavor, but I'm not going to discuss it as I have noticed that talking about projects seems almost to curse them to failure -- or, at least, incompletion. But the short seems to be building up a nice head of steam also, so that's cool!


I should get ready for work.

I don't wanna, tho', lol.

But I should.

In fact, I will.

OOH! VERONICA MARS came back!!! I've got this week's HEROES and VERONICA MARS on my iPod! I doubt I'll be able to watch them tonight because FriSat is one of my busier work days, but I'll very liekly get to watch them tomorrow! So YAY, hee-hee!

Okay, I'm gonna eat and get ready for work, you go see SPIDER-MAN 3.

And Gnomey Goddess, you take care of yourself and I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH!!! :D x o x o x o

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