Thursday, May 17, 2007

SO Diggin' On Dresden!!!

I finished listening to SUMMER NIGHT by Jim Butcher, the 4th of his The Dresden File series.

The cool thing about The Dresden Files is that the TV series is one thing and the novels are this other thing. If you like you some fantasy/mystery you can bask in the novels, but if you're not as fond of the concept of magical things you can enjoy the TV series.

I like both approaches, so I am glutted, hee-hee!

I'm getting DEEP in it, too. I've started listening to The Butcher Block, catching up on what Dresden fans were saying about the show before it aired, and how they responded as the episodes hit the screens.

Very cool.


I haven't blogged since our last production meeting, have I?

Okay, so Tommy's wife is doing a theatre thang this week and he needed to be home with the Li'l One, so Brian and I went there.

Tommy always -- ALWAYS -- lives an ungodly distance away from us (as though he & the Missus are look at a map of where Brian & I live, then plot the FARTHEST course when buying a new home) so I am usually too lazy to go visit. If I can find a halfway-decent excuse, I stay home.

This is not, I should clarify, because I don't love seeing one of my longest-standing bestest friends! It's because I am, essentially, a hermit and I SO hate having to leave the comfort of home on a day off. Brian and I have been talking about how cool it would be to own a warehouse that we could live in, so we could, effectively, just step "outside" and construct anything our hearts desire. So, like, we could have a film set just feet away from the bedroom, essentially, lol.

That being said, Tommy always has THE BEST home!!! The cat's got taste. And their current , indefinite home is ASTOUNDING! I really haven't explored more than half of it to date.

Good digs!

And I love and adore Tommy's family! So once I get past the 45-minute drive, I ALWAYS enjoy a visit to the White House! No qualifications. Once I'm there, it doesn't matter how long the drive was, or how long the drive back will be, I'm home and happy and having fun.

So the meeting was great.

Brian & I played with the Princess White (I just came up with that, I don't actually call her that in person, lol) and then when she went to bed the film flunkies adjourned to the patio and talked shop for several hours. And then we drank and laughed for several more hours, hee-hee. It was nice.

And on the way home...!!!

I was quite buzzed so Brian drove, and not long after we hit the road the sky burst into this GORGEOUS RAIN STORM!!!

Now, I love storms when I'm all snug at home, but there is nothing like being in the middle of a good storm! (I am SO NOT being sarcastic here; I'm being 100% earnest.) Particularly a night storm! To bu surrounded on all sides by water pelting from the sky and broiling black clouds and shocks of blue lightening is just plain PURDY!!! It's exciting and humbling, and empowering and calming, all at once!!!

I dig me some water!

And flashy lights!

And, thankfully, Brian is the same way. We were both able to just enjoy this beautiful show that entertained us all the way home, riding the wave of the sense of family and ideas and fellowship we were had just experienced.

Truly spiritual, my friend! Very nice!

And on the way home, Brian was nice enough to stop off at Walmart so I could buy a bag of Funions, cause I was munchy.

I ate the whole bag, too.

Then I crashed early and slept WONDERFULLY, waking up yesterday nicely rested and ready for my work-week.

Also, before the meeting Tuesday I received a particularly generous email from my baby, so that started my day off great!!!

And I just finished chatting with her a few minutes ago, so I'm bouncing on Cloud 9 at the moment, heehee. :D

She's wonderful!!!

One the one hand, she makes me feel so loved that she barely need to say or do anything to just reignite that blazing pyre of passion for her! And on the other, because she stirs such feelings of love and joy, I SO want to be with her every second of every day!!! She makes me desperately NEED HER and need to be near her, but she also makes me feel perfectly content all by myself.

How weird is that?!


Okay, I think I need to grab a bite to eat, then shoot some stormtroopers before I go to work.


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