Saturday, July 29, 2006

Happy Happy Happy...

Joy Joy Joy!!!

I think they put crack in pepperoni rolls!

Okay, not too long after I got to Austin (early 1990s) I discovered a pizzaria called Double Dave's. They had a buffet which featured all-you-can-eat pizza AND... something called Pepperoni Rolls. These ingeneous creations are simply sliced pepperoni and cheese (probably mozzerella) wrapped in pizza dough.

But here's the kicker:


At first I recoiled at the idea of dipping my Itallian treats into Ranch dressing. I didn't even eat Ranch on my salad! (To be perfectly frank, I didn't eat salad... But if forced, I ate it dry... No dressing.)

But then this hot girl I was dating, who had grown up in Austin and with Double Dave's pizza, convinced me to try it. (She was really hot.)

So I dip my pepperoni roll into her Ranch dressing...


I mean, Double Dave's also offered Marinara sauce for dipping, and this made PERFECT sense to me. (I mean, the silly fools had forgotten to include tomoato sauce in the ingredites to be wrapped up into the pizza dough, so at least they offered it after the fact... Why it was served cold, however, I didn't understand.) And I dipped many a pepperonni roll in marinara.


So anyway...

It has been YEARS since I've enjoyed that singular taste.

And money's tight for the Edwards Boys... But... Selfish bastard I am I went ahead and splurged...

I don't know if Double Dave's still exists -- I haven't seen a restaurant in Austin this mellinium -- but my co-worker Petey-Pie (that's his full, legal name) told me this place, Austin's Pizza, has peperroni rolls... AND THEY'RE GOOD.

And Petey-Pie WAS NOT LYIN'!!!

It was a culinary orgasm!!!

Seriously, that meal turned an okay day into HEAVEN!!! I feel an almost post-coital sense of bliss and enthusiasm!!! LIFE IS GREAT!!!

I'm not kidding, they have to put some sort of mood-elevators in their dough or something!!! I have not felt THIS good -- sober -- in QUITE a WHILE!

And I just want to say:

I LOVE YOU, MAN!!! I really, really love you!!!

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